Tubal Ligation Reversal and Having Tubes Reversed
There are many women who do not want to become pregnant in the future so they chose method of tubal ligation .This is the procedure that is done by surgeon by surgery to permanently sterilize women and by fusing the fallopian tubes, which works to prevent pregnancy by keeping an egg to fertilize with sperm. In this method surgeon close the fallopian tubes thus success rate to avoid pregnancy is near 100%.
But many times the women are not informed that this is not an easy reversible process if they want to have children again. Natural remedies for blocked fallopian tubes cannot help women to conceive again if she has tubal ligation. So for any reason if women want more children this process is reversible through surgery.
Although tubal ligation is simple reversal of its complicated procedure .In this surgery surgeon cut out parts of the oviduct, which have banded together and then tie them together with micro-surgical methods.
The problem is that after tubal ligation reversal fallopian tubes become shorter. But if surgery succeeds, then the woman can have open and functional fallopian tubes. The tubal ligation reversal may not always succeed. The reason is that the fallopian tubes are very small and complex structure. They consist of several layers of tissue, connective tissue, muscles and fimbriae. The frimbia are tiny hair-like projections to push the egg to the uterus to help in fertilization.
Cure time is also one of factors almost it takes one week that women recover and able to went for work without heavy lifting .Success of tubal reversal also depends upon the age of women .If age of woman is less than 35 years then success of pregnancy increases .But if age is 40years or above then in this case chances of pregnancy are not same as these are at or below the age of 35 years. Although there are cases in which many women conceive even at the age of 40 years. Chance of pregnancy after tubal ligation reversal also depends upon the health of partner and his sperms.
Success of tubal ligation also depends that what type of tubal ligation woman has either surgeon remove a small section of fallopian tubes or surgeon place rings or clips around the fallopian tubes to block the path of egg so that it may not travel from fallopian tube.
So keeping in view success rate tubal ligation reversal is 20% to 70%.
For more information about Tubal Reversal and Tubal Reversal Surgery Visit: mybabydoc.com