Options for Low T Treatment

Low testosterone levels can significantly decrease the quality of life for men who suffer from them. Thanks to advances in endocrinology, there are many new treatments for low testosterone that are safe and effective options for men who are diagnosed with a low testosterone count.
If left untreated, chronic low testosterone levels can lead to the following unpleasant conditions:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Muscle loss and fat gain
  • Decreased libido
  • Increased risk of heart disease

Some of the most common treatments for low T include:

Testosterone Injections

Testosterone can be artificially introduced into the body through injections. These injections do not put testosterone right into the blood stream, but are meant to be delivered to muscle tissue. While this can be done at home on your own, it is necessary to first receive the necessary instruction from a doctor so you know you are doing it correctly and safely. It is also necessary to consult with a doctor to find out if your levels are low enough to require testosterone injections.

Testosterone Pellets

By being placed under the skin, these pallets slowly release testosterone into the person’s body. The advantage of pellets over injections is the very slow release, which keeps testosterone levels steady throughout the treatment. The only downside is that a small incision must be made to place the pellets.

Testosterone Creams and Gels

As the name implies, these are rubbed on and then absorbed by your skin to increase testosterone levels. This is a very simple, painless option for increasing testosterone levels. A word of caution; be careful not to come in contact with others after applying the cream, as it can rub off on them. Your wife and kids probably don’t need extra testosterone!

Natural Low T Treatments

There are many people that shy away from prescription treatments and prefer to find a natural alternative. For these people there are a number of options which can be followed to encourage the body to produce and more effectively use testosterone.

The results will not be as quick and distinct as directly injecting testosterone but will be safer and likely much better over the long term.

There are many foods likely to improve your testosterone levels. Foods high in omega 3, such as salmon, sardines and omega 3 rich eggs are one alternative. Red meat, oysters and broccoli are also thought to be of benefit in this regard.


There are some herbs that are thought to encourage the body to boost its testosterone levels, and are used in over the counter supplements sold for this purpose. These include tribulus, yohimbe, maca, ginseng, and avena sativa.
These herbal remedies are ideal for those who don’t suffer from a serious deficiency, but would like a healthy boost in their levels to improve body composition, increase libido, and feel younger and more energetic.
Visit your doctor to get your testosterone levels checked to determine what type of remedy is appropriate in your situation.

Do you need effective Low T treatments? Then visit IncreaseGrowthHormone.com. Here they provide different options of treatments for Low testosterone.

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