9L0-010 study guide
ACMT certification is intended for technicians employed by an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) or Self Servicing Account (SSA), or for persons motivated to demonstrate their knowledge of technician-level service and support skills. For persons not employed by an AASP or SSA, attaining ACMT certification verifies skills and knowledge that may be sought by a prospective employer, such as an Apple Reseller or a self-servicing entity like a school system.When selecting the Test4actual 9L0-010 test preparation materials, you are purchasing the highest quality 9L0-010 products available through the web today.
Test4actual offers downloadable Apple certification free 9L0-010 Questions that makes your purchase a risk-free process. The user can download the 9L0-010 Free Questions which is a trial version of Apple 9L0-010 practice questions and lets you see the friendly interface, question quality, the value and how it looks and works before you decide to buy. We are confident that our Test4actual Apple 9L0-010 Free Questions is qualitative enough to make you satisfied with the product.
Free 9L0-010 pdf Demo Download
After identifying some accidental damage and pointing it out to the customer, the customer says “Apple’s warranty should cover this kind of problem.” How should you respond?
A. Apple will only cover the internal damage, not the cosmetic damage, so the charge will be less.
B. You’re right, Apple’s warranty does cover this kind of accidental damage, so the repair will be free.
C. Apple’s warranty does not cover this, but the AppleCare Protection Plan might, but only if you buy it now.
D. Apple’s warranty specifically calls out accidental damage as an instance where system failures are not covered.
Answer: D
What is the function of the SMC in an Intel Mac?
A. The SMC controls all aspects of power flow.
B. The SMC controls the speed of the hard drive.
C. The SMC manages the amount of virtual memory used.
D. The SMC manages all communication with attached peripherals.
Answer: A
Apple Macintosh Service Certification Exam 9L0-010
Exam Number/Code : 9L0-010
Exam Name : Macintosh Service Certification Exam
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Questions and Answers : 73Q&As
Update Time : 2012-8-18
Price : $89.00
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