Easy Phishing Awareness Training For Employees
The most common threat for IT business and operation nowadays is popularly known as Phishing and its paralytic visible attacks. With the rise of social engineering and its negative impacts such as spyware and malware, Phishing too is a vicious attack that aims at stealing all personal data of the user. The most common form of Phishing attacks is in the form of fraudulent mails and links to web portals having inauthentic fictitious content, though apparently they all look genuine.
Phishing mails are widely sent to numerous individual users and employees and their compelling content coaxes the user to share financial, official and other private data. Apart from personal loss, Phishing attacks also result in company revenue loss and brand erosion.
How to Protect Yourself From Phishing
Therefore, organizations today need to pay close attention to the Phishing protection by resorting to the effective tools. The present day products and solutions available only tends to address the “process and technology” aspect of the safety. There is a gap as only a handful of solutions are capable of addressing the “people’s risk” quotient sufficiently. The current trend has been towards an “incident based approach”. However, organizations do face some difficulty when they have to train their employees and working staff adequately about Phishing protection.
Advanced Phishing Protection Solutions
Eminent solution providers have come up with advanced anti-Phishing software that has revolutionary technologies that guarantee maximum user security and benefit. Installing and using this software is very simple. The users simply need to contact the chosen service provider and let them know about their preferences, i.e. Would they prefer to be trained in the process and so on. The moment a service request is lodged at the company’s end they work towards setting up a virtual connection. When this connection is completed, the users are required to customize the anti-phishing awareness program by offering important details about processes, people and technology.
After this, a duplicate Phishing attack is created for the target consumer. The organizations can choose for a basic Phishing attack or can also opt in for an advanced level attack. If they want, they can choose both. The Phishing awareness program then works towards tracking the user responses and reviews the employee social behavior. Post this it generates a detailed report based on these facts. This is followed up with a comprehensive action plan that helps in leveraging the training offered to the employees.
Read More On: Simulated Phishing Attack