How To Combat Menopause And Related Symptoms

When a woman approaches the age of fifty, she experiences menopause, a fundamental biological and hormonal shift which brings with it a host of potential health threats. The likelihood of certain ailments increase like osteoporosis, cardiovascular troubles, and even breast cancer. It’s a changing time and it’s important that this be treated properly. There have been changes in treatment lately, and it’s crucial to have a look at how these developments.

For a long time, the most popular drug was derived from the isolated estrogen from pregnant mares. In other words, as the estrogen levels in women decreased, it was replaced with horse estrogen. Only a study was published that suggested that treatments similar in kind to this chemical makeup left women still at risk for strokes and heart attacks, and there was even an increased rate of breast cancer. It was confusing and very worrying for many women who relied on that drug, and similarly were wondering what to take if that no longer worked.

The solution depended on a careful look at the study. It wasn’t estrogen that was the problem, it was the horse estrogen. Human bio-identical progesterone has been shown to mitigate several of the harmful effects of menopause, like hot flashes and night sweats, lower cholesterol levels, increased bone density, and promotes an overall feeling of well-being. Studies indicated the positive experiences by women taking hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA.

While eating right and having a reasonable level of physical exercise improve overall health, there’s a hormonal imbalance that needs to be restored, or a fundamental fix is impossible. It’s essential that hormones that the body stops producing be put in somehow, and there’s no way to do this but to get them from elsewhere and put them in. It can make the difference between feeling depressed and feeling well enough to enjoy life.

A pharmacist who can concoct his own combination of ingredients based on his expertise and the specific conditions of the patient is what’s in order, here. There are experts in the field who don’t use prescribed pills, but know enough to form their own medicine. They have been certified, so it’s not as if it’s a sketchy solution, but rather it’s a growing niche that meets the needs of patients who are not getting the treatment they need from the traditional sources.

Getting a compound pharmacist to treat menopause is nothing like the world of holistic medicine or naturopathy. It is very much a lost art, rooted in traditional medicine. For this reason it’s making a comeback, only the desire for it is exceeded by the experts qualified to administer the treatment. For this reason, it’s not widely available like pharmacies, but it is a perfectly good solution for many people with proven results. Read up on it—the way you should before any treatment—and see for yourself if compounding pharmacies don’t successfully treat you.

Habers Pharmacy offers personalized health care medication. Read more about how their experienced pharmacists and nutritionists will work with you hand in hand to achieve the best results possible.

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