Some Of The Most Popular Aromatherapy Essential Oils

The world of aromatherapy is fascinating, and little understood, yet we have a vague idea of exactly how much smell means to us. Nothing re-enters us into the world of a long-past memory like the smell of a certain food, or a lover, or something highly associated with that memory. Also, incense and other sharp smells have been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Smell is ingrained in us somehow. So it shouldn’t be a huge surprise that there’s lots of health benefits associated with lovely fragrances. Let’s take a look at some of the leading aromatherapy essential oils.

Juniper berries are little blue balls, blueberries, which grow in Crete. It has anti-septic and detoxifying properties. It has a cleansing and calming effect on the mind and body. For this reason, it’s commonly used in men’s cologne and deodorant. Juniper essential oil can calm the nerves, relieves mental exhaustion, nervous tension and anxiety.

Pine needle oil derives from the needles twigs and buds from pine trees from Bulgaria. Steam is used to distill the oil. It can be a very effective means of treating muscle pains, cold, coughs and sinuses. It can also help in cases of bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, colds, flu and more. Although it’s considered non-toxic, it’s important to use carefully and in small doses as it still can irritate the skin in high doses.

Lavender is a beautiful flower that distills into a wonderful oil. It is uplifting and relaxing, a very versatile essential oil. Some people even put a drop of it on their pillow and enjoy a peaceful sleep! Lavender is probably the most popular essential oil because it has a soft but flowery smell that’s basically a universally loved aroma. Lavender has a storied history: the Romans used to put it in their bath water, and aromatherapy derived when, after a laboratory accident, a man put his hand into a container of lavender oil and experienced almost instant relief, and without the usual scarring too.

Bay essential oil has been used to various purposes, ranging from supporting respiratory, digestive, skin and emotional health. It’s a popular leaf in the culinary world, and its acid content has made it useful in keeping moths away! What a multi-purposed plant indeed. It doesn’t have the flowery aroma like a lavender, but it’s pleasant, woody and oily smell that people keep coming back for!

Aromatherapy uses centuries of knowledge to put people not just in a better frame of mind, but actually restore their health. The restorative properties in these plants is well-attested to, and it needs to be experienced to be believed. But the power of these plants has been known about for so long, it’s surprising that mainstream medicine doesn’t harness this knowledge. It’s a lovely thing to store in your house or home for a time where you need just a little something to pick you up and make you feel better, as well as for just generally well-being.

If you have been looking for an organic essential oils supplier, be sure to visit Artisan Aromatics today. Here you can discover a plethora of all natural products at and find some great prices.

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