Beat the Knife with Non-Surgical Carpal Tunnel Treatment
A woman shares her story about being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Upon visiting her doctor, she was advised to wear an elastic bandage to immobilize her hand and take some pain killers while under observation in the next seven days. She’s also told that if the pain persists, her last resort would be surgery – a carpal tunnel treatment feared by most patients.
Most patients face significant amount of stress in dealing with their carpal tunnel syndrome treatments especially when surgery is involved. Let’s face the fact that most of us are afraid of being treated under the surgical knife. It is more likely that a significant number of the population could not stand the thought of blood; how much more if they see it from their own bodies?
Now, is there an alternative to the surgical treatment?
Fortunately, there are a number of them. But before we move on and check them out, let’s try to learn the basic information about the ailment.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the hand, characterized by swollen tendons compressing the median nerve. This is the result of repetitious forceful motion of the hand and wrists.
There are two known classifications of carpal tunnel syndrome treatments: the conservative one and the surgical type. The tomophobic or the one who fears of being subjected to surgery will most likely choose the first being mentioned.
Conservative carpal tunnel treatments involves non-invasive, mostly natural and quite effective relief. They would usually include:
- resting of the strained hand and wrist for about seven to fourteen days
- splinting to immobilize the wrist and reduce risk of further damage
- ergonomic changes in the workplace to eliminate or reduce activities that will worsen the symptoms
- control of other related symptoms such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or hypothyroidism
The conservative treatment also allows medication to ease off the pain and swelling. This can either be from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and Ibuprofen or the injectable local steroids and corticosteroids.
Exercise for those who have improved conditions is highly recommended. Stretching and strengthening activities together with frequent yet short rest break are also advised. However, professional supervision has to be taken into consideration to get a better guided health and well-being improvement.
Alternative therapies also find their way in the conservative carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. Acupuncture, magnet therapy, chiropractic care and even vitamin B6 supplements are considered by some to have beneficial effect on those suffering from the symptoms although they have no proven efficacy as of the moment. Yoga, on the other hand, has been recognized to reduce pain and improve the grip strength to those being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.
One revolutionary, painless yet safe carpal tunnel treatment for CTS is Cold Laser. This technology uses light or photon energy. In the form of a cold beam, it penetrates into the tissue about 2 inches from the skin and stimulates growth of cell to lessen the pain.
Release your fear and be free. You’ve got alternative carpal tunnel syndrome treatments that will help you ease the pain and alleviate the burden impressed in your most capable and all-important pair of hands.