What Is Pet Acupuncture? Is It For Your Pets?
Pet acupuncture in Norwalk, CT is much the same as acupuncture for humans. Acupuncture provides an alternative to other medical procedures that may leave lasting discomfort or other side effects. Special acupuncture needles are carefully placed in specific points on your pet in order to trigger the wanted healing effects. Acupuncture originated in China and has been used for hundreds of years. In the United States, it has grown in use and has been confirmed by plenty of scientific and medical research.
The practice of acupuncture is based on the belief that illnesses or other physical discomforts are the result of imbalances within the body systems. The most common belief, supported by scientific discovery, is that the process of acupuncture aids the regulation of the nervous system, which then results in the production and ability of endorphins and other immune system cells. Other studies have suggested that the central nervous system is affected when brain chemistry has been changed through the use of acupuncture needles. The specific areas of the central nervous system that seem to be affected are immune reactions, blood pressure and flow and body temperature.
There are many beneficial reasons to consider using pet acupuncture in Norwalk, CT for your animals. Pain relief can be achieved with the use of drugs. This means that you can avoid many of the unwanted side effects that often accompany the use of drugs. Acupuncture is an effective way to prevent disease and other ailments. The use of pet acupuncture can also improve your pet’s overall sense of well-being. It is a comforting feeling for you to know that the cause of trouble for your pet is being treated as well as the symptoms of the trouble.
Some pet owners may be concerned that acupuncture is painful for their pets. But the opposite is usually true. Most pets hardly notice the small prick as the needle is inserted into the layer of skin. Many pet owners have noticed that their pet actually falls asleep during the process of pet acupuncture in Norwalk, CT and an overwhelming majority of animals become relaxed or drowsy. If you still aren’t sure, you might consider asking the veterinarian if you can come in to observe when another animal is being treated with acupuncture.
If you are interested in trying Pet Acupuncture in Norwalk, CT you will begin by setting up an appointment with a licensed veterinarian at Broad River Animal Hospital.