Features Of Search Engine Optimization Tools
With internet boom online content and its optimization has become extremely important. For the ones engaged in internet marketing, would know that SEO tools are a necessity for generating traffic. As for the others, SEO is the short form of Search Engine Optimization. Going by the name SEO plays a crucial part in generating online traffic to a company’s website or any blog. In the SEO landscape blog or website title, keywords, meta tags and a few other features play a significant role in search engine traffic.
Features of SEO
Therefore, if you have a corporate website or a blog and are looking at some analysis or are planning to enhance it then you can make use of Search Engine Optimization tools such as SEO Analytics Tools. This tool offers you detailed inputs such as a meta tag list, general status, keywords spotted in the anchor tags and alt attributes for images. Whilst dealing with the general status category of a website, the tool updates you about any existing http errors, content type, character encoding and the kind of the host server.
The meta tag analysis offers you the score of the page title, meta keywords and description from a rating of zero to one hundred percent. For the keywords that are spotted in the anchor tags, alt attributes and on the page, you can view the results from Bing, Yahoo and Google. Therefore, we see that keywords play a significant role in SEO and checking the page ranks for a certain keyword is essential.
With regards to the URL’s located on the website, SEO Analysis Tools offers a list of internal and external link that is present in the site. Google further suggests not to surpass 100 links in one page. This is because according to Google, 100 is the maximum benchmark for optimum indexing by its Google bots.
Industry Solutions for SEO Tools
Eminent companies today specializing in marketing automation solutions have introduced advanced SEO tools that offer the following:
- Helps to audit the website
- Can build keyword lists
- Efficient optimizes the web pages
- Accurately tracks keyword ranking
- Retains the links within a website
- Tracks the progress
- Helps to establish backlinks from other sites
Finally, as an entrepreneur it is imperative that you make your web page SEO friendly. This can be done by ensuring that there are zero content errors in terms of spelling, syntax and basic grammar prior to publishing. Furthermore, an advanced SEO Analytics Tool can be used for every single web page or for the overall website.