IBM 000-221 vce and pdf
000-221 AIX 7 Administration certification exams are there to help you in your career. IBM Certifed Systems Expert 000-221 exam certifications are also among the famous online certification. 000-221 online certifications help you to boost your chances in your career. If you really want to get through the 000-221 online certifications you need to take proper training.
Test4actual IBM Certifed Systems Expert 000-221 AIX 7 Administration exam questions which contain almost 100% correct answers are tested and approved by senior 000-221 IBM Certifed Systems Expert lecturers and experts. They have been devoting themselves to providing candidates with the best study materials to make sure what they get are valuable. 000-221 AIX 7 Administration practice tests are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy which can make you succeed in the exam.
IBM Power Systems Technical Support for AIX and Linux 000-221
Exam Number/Code : 000-221
Exam Name : Power Systems Technical Support for AIX and Linux
One year free update
Once failed,100% refund
Questions and Answers : 150Q&As
Update Time : 2012-8-18
Price : $79.00
Test4actual IBM 000-221 AIX 7 Administration exam materials are prepared industry Experts who bring the latest Study Materials. You always get the most accurate and updated exam study materials. Passing IBM exam is not easy. 000-221 success can only be guaranteed with proper training. At Test4actual, there are many resources for you to pass IBM Certifed Systems Expert exam. Test4actual will make sure that you pass exam in first attempt, acquiring your IBM Certifed Systems Expert Certification. IBM 000-221 exam is very adapt to the people who are interesting in the information technology domain.
Free 000-221 dumps Demo Download
Question: 12
AIX has been installed on an LPAR with 32 GB of memory. What should be c hecked first, before increasing the paging space beyond the default 512MB?
A. The maximum memory attribute in the LPAR profile.
B. Quantity and size of hosted filesystems.
C. Disk device distribution and utilization.
D. Paging requirements of applications that will be hosted.
Answer: D
Question: 13
Which of the following is an AIX 7 Cluster Aware feature?
A. Cluster application load balancing
B. Cluster shared volume groups on the shared disk
C. Cluster IP addresses on the shared resource
D. Cluster configurations on the cluster repository disk
Answer: D
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