Structural Lightweight Concrete Fences – Great for DIY
TXI produces and distributes rotary-kiln expanded shale and clay (ES&C) lightweight aggregates made from natural shale and clay. Fence panels made by this method usually have half the density of regular precast panels obtainable on the market. Some panel styles weigh as small as 39 lb. For maximum strength, the posts used together with the panels are made from regular high strength concrete. These concrete fence systems are designed to meet wind speed ratings of 110 mph or more.
Structural lightweight concrete (SLC) is produced by taking a combination of cement, sand and water and combining it with a foam made through the action of compressed air as well as a chemical foaming agent. The foam leaves a mass of small non-interconnected air pockets within the concrete mix. can control the density of the final cast concrete shape by controlling the amount of foam introduced in the mix.
Other applications for lightweight concrete fences and fence panels include siding, planters and enclosures. structural lightweight concrete represents a great opportunity for the do-it-yourself crowd to fundamentally build long lasting concrete structures.
The lightweight panels make it feasible for people to put in a 6′ tall concrete fence without the necessity for heavy equipment. Installation in confined or sensitive landscaped spaces is simple to accomplish. The lighter panels mean more product can be hauled on trucks leading to less freight cost, less energy cost and less pollution. The sound absorbing qualities of structural lightweight concrete (versus sound reflecting qualities for regular concrete) lead to quieter enclosed spaces.