Indica Marijuana as Medicine

Indicas Cannabis is one of the more popular strains of marijuana. This plant is characteristically, a short, stocky,plant with broad leaves. It is a darker green and begins flowering in 8 to 10 weeks. The plant has a thick dense heavy fragrance. When most people think of marijuana it is the fragrance of Indicas that comes to mind. Indicas grows and maturesfast than most other strains and is a favorite among growers.

The flavor of Indicasis reportedly stinky skunk to fruity sweet and the plant appears to be specialized in preserving water which makes it a great plant to grow in dry regions with low humidity and rainfall. Indicas type plants are usually fast flowering and known for its smaller structure because they are more compact than other plants. The Indicas planttypically has the appearance of a small shrub.

The Indicascannabis reportedly sports a pleasant body buzz. Itis considered an effective relaxation herb and is often considered an effective way to obtain stress relief as well as a sense of calm. Many use it as a sleep aid and it has been reported to be effective for pain relief. Indicas has also been historically used as a treatment for insomnia and weight loss.

Thehistory of Cannabis Indicasfollows a colorful path.Illegal in most parts of the United States, even for medical purposes, other countries all over the worldhave used Indicas for a long time. Cannabis Indicashas bred a number of new strains. Indicas it can be traced back to Afghanistan, Morocco and Tibet.

The medical use of Indicas is extensive because of a higher Cannabidiol (CBD) content. CBD represents up to 40 percent of extracts of the medical cannabis plant. CBD relieves convulsions, inflammations and has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth. CBD has been reported to reduce growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells and reduce their spreading. It is said to be the first non-toxic agent that can lead to less tumor aggressiveness. It is also a neuro-protective antioxidant which lessens the psychoactive effects of THC and instead of the typical effects, has sedative and analgesic effects.It provides the patient with a sensation that relaxes the muscles. Indicas are used in treating muscle spasms and tremors indicative of such illnesses as with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, arthritic and rheumatic stiffness and swelling, insomnia and anxiety. It has also been reported reduce pain, reduce seizure, reduce inflammation, reduce nausea, stimulatethe appetite, relieve headaches and migraines, reduce intra-ocular pressure and has been used as a bronchio-dilator and expectorant.

Indicas cannabis has also been used to treat mental disorders. Recent studies have shown CBD to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia as well as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. (PTSD) There are current studies of the effects on PTSD in returning soldiers from militarized zones.

The use of Indicas cannabis in terms of medical purposes grows daily as does support for legalizing it in the United States. Currently 14 states have medical marijuana laws on the books and the number of bills being introduced grows each month.

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Marijuana Seeds Magazine is a online magazine offering terrific grow information. You will also find unbiased information on Marijuana Seed Banks and strains. It is very interactive as it has a forum.

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