How to Care for Your Favorite Suit
Your suit will not take care of itself. Most of us confine looking after our suits to hanging them up between use. Most of us buy a suit with a specific, fast approaching event in mind, and once over, the suit will be cleaned if required and hung up in the wardrobe.
The next time we need to wear the suit, we will take it out of the closet, put on again, clean it if needed and put it right back in the closet again. You will notice a tradition here. This is all that you will do with your suit and you think this is enough.
The next time your suit is required, you take it from the wardrobe and discover your thousand dollar suit has been destroyed by moths. Only now do you consider the fact that you should have cared more for it.
It doesn’t take too long for moths to destroy an entire suit. To deter them, use cedar, a great moth repellent. There are many products that can be purchased to keep moths away, but the best method is to use a wardrobe made from cedar wood.
Once cleaned, men’s suits must be hung so as not to crease in any way. This means having it hang straight, as it would be worn. Keep it out of any sun light. If it’s possible for the sun to shine directly into where your suit is stored and it happens as a regular occurance, you will find your suit to have noticably faded in exposed areas.
When you have to take your suit on trip, transport it in a travel bag. There are nylon bags that feature a hanger and let you zip your suit inside. The better bags will let you gently fold your suit without causing creases. When you get to your destination, take your suit out immediately and let it hang straight for as long as possible.
With regard to cleaning, check around and ask for a recommendation. Choose one that’s been around for a long time. Many of the new dry cleaning chains employ young staff and don’t clean on the premises. All clothing is sent away in bulk. Find one that cleans on the premises.
Simultaneously, try to find a cleaners that can do alterations if you need to. Even if you just need to have your waistline let out just a little. Nobody can wear the same size clothes all of their life.