storage conditions

Dial dial A581 A581 manifold, there is radiation, wove surface, Braille, concave words, the word red printed, digital, black-face, flour, noodles and so on yin and yang; manufacturers and collectors are no official statistics on the estimated appeared RADO REPLICA WATCH less than a hundred models. If the A581 to measure the value of a Shanghai license, the vast majority depends on the original surface of the disk (storage conditions) and rarity (production volume); a rare refurbishment of the original surface than a regular priced facial disc of A581 can be five to ten times higher. How to see the facial disc is refurbished? Can be divided into face plate making, printing process and the font used to judge the situation. Early in the face plate the way the main character by pressing the time scale and pressed into the face plate on LOGO, the opposite way to break started out from the face plate back pressure within the formation of convex LOGO and time scale, which also added color (black and SWISS HUBLOT white), cloth pattern, radiation pattern and other characteristics of the dial, the latter method and then use the disk mimeographed LOGO sprayed with a layer of plastic film, reflective disk to form the light beam with a bunch of the beam scattered from the center outward extension of the processing process. Face plate made for the A581 above the basic changes, but most early A581 convex dial time scale has occurred, and no second mimeographed Shanghai LOGO face plate scale.
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