Differences conventional And Distance Education
In any case, both distance education and conventional have many similarities, many of the determining factors is common. For example, there is a common sociological content since both species, targeting the smooth integration of human society and the development of causal thinking, researching, judge, reject, deny and accepted, trying to know the “why” and “how otherwise. ”
Both, no, species affect the growth, whether it be personal or collective. For economics, moreover, all forms of education are considered as a source of wealth for each state in human capital as a source of employment is the biggest wealth sector.
Differences conventional and distance education
The conventional education system places certain restrictions forced on those who wish to study, among which is the inability of the physical presence of the student in the classroom, mandatory exams, the relatively narrow age range covered, the inability offer independent educational courses with small duration and the inability to satisfy the
desires of all concerned for Higher Education.
So, as a counterweight to these restrictions, the chosen system of distance education whose characteristics are a) that can be applied at all levels of education, b) used specially designed educational material, c) that systematic support for the trainee and d) that exploit new technologies and media for both the presentation of educational material, and certain forms of communication between the learner and the instructor. Clearly, Distance learning MBA differs from the conventional one, in which a teacher talking to a group of students are concentrated at the same time in the same place. In distance education, the teacher and students are not in the same place at the same time while the information can be “consumed” even at different times. It becomes necessary, therefore, to introduce an artificial means of communication to convey information and to provide a channel for interaction between them.
It would be wrong, however, to assume that the mere introduction of technology in education can yield results without any structural changes in the way the current system operates. The installation of a camera, a computer and a microphone in the classroom of a school, a university or other training provider, is not sufficient to increase their potential to offer new courses or savings. It is possible to improve the quality, enroll more students and reduce the cost, if there is no reorganization of education in accordance with a different, but no systematic pattern.
Advantages of Distance Learning
Autonomy of learning rate. Executive MBA in India gives users the ability to learn their learning object in their own pace. This means that someone can make such short breaks without the risk of losing valuable information. This also means that you can arrange the time to study a particular topic in more detail and omit matters already knows. Even
the user can review the training materials with the sequence he wants. Additionally, you can review the training objects whenever necessary.