Humane Methods For Grackle Control

The grackle is a black bird that measures about ten to twelve inches tall and is similar to the blackbird. Grackles have a longer tail and larger body. It is one of the most abundant breeding birds in North America which may contribute to why this bird is considered a pest by many people. Grackles are known to cause millions of dollars of damage to the farming industry by destroying sprouting corn fields. This is why grackle control is crucial.

The grackle has an extremely loud voice. Some believe that the bird is has its name because that is what their sound says. Since they live in large flocks, this sound is amplified and can become a real nuisance.

Grackles roost in large numbers and can overwhelm trees and buildings. The buildup and uric acid in their feces is able to corrode structures made of stone, metal, masonry, and it can damage painted surfaces. The nest of a grackle can spread a potentially fatal respiratory disease to humans called “histoplasmosis”.

There are several methods to control the number of grackles. Unfortunately, none of these methods are guaranteed. Due to the fact that the grackle is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the following methods are humane.

Many people use something called a scare balloon. These are brightly colored balloons that have a multiple colored eye painted on. The purpose of the balloon is to make the nuisance bird think it is a predatory bird with large eyes and an open mouth. You can buy already made balloons, or you may design the balloons yourself.

Since grackles tend to nest in trees, one idea is to reduce the number of trees on your property. If this is simply not an option, you may want to try using netting to throw over the tops of the trees. This can become costly. With the height of some trees, this may be an impossible task to handle. If you are new to agriculture and are starting a new orchard, it may be in your best interest to keep your trees topped so you may easily cover the tree tops.

Installing motion lights may help keep grackles from nesting on your structures. The purpose of this method is to startle the bird away when the light suddenly comes on.

Manually removing the nests is only effective if you take the necessary measures to prevent the birds from returning. Some pest control services are able to remove nests, trap grackles and relocate them to an environment where they are welcome. After removing nests from the eves of the structure, you may consider placing spikes and or netting to discourage the birds from returning to nest. These spikes will not hurt the birds, they just prevent them from being able to make a nest on your building.

The use of ultrasonic devices has been proven highly effective in the removal of these birds. It is most effective when you alternate the levels of sound on a regular basis so that the birds do not become accustomed to this device.

Like with most pests, the key to controlling them is by preventing them. If you live in an area known to have grackles, it would be recommended to apply all of the above methods. Spikes, netting, and motion lights can be purchased in kits and are readily available at many home improvement stores. Their cost is inexpensive compared to the costs of damage caused by grackles.

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