The Essential Parts Of An Effective Fundraising Calendar

If one of your great fundraising ideas this holiday season is printing custom color folders, you probably have to know exactly the essential parts of most fundraising calendars. You will not want to print fundraising calendars that cannot do their jobs right of course with missing parts. So in this simple tutorial, we will teach you all the important parts that you will need to integrate in your own color calendars. Below is the list of essential parts, and the important pointers for each of them. Create corresponding elements in your custom calendars to ensure a great degree of fundraising success with them.
•    The teaser cover – Since you really want to sell those fundraising calendars, the first essential part that you must have is the “teaser cover”. This is basically the main cover that people first see in your custom calendars. It is not the first page of the calendar mind you. It is kind of the “wrapper” that makes the color calendars appealing to buy.

Besides having impressive paper quality and a good background, the teaser cover of course features some of the great images found inside your fundraising calendars. It should also explain quickly that the calendars are meant to be sold for a great cause. Make this the most impressive part that you can produce, since this will be the first thing potential buyers will see.

•    The cause page – Now, all fundraising calendars should also have a “cause” page. This is the page that explains to readers the reason for fundraising. You must tell them through text and images that buying your color folders represents a powerful contribution to your worthy cause, and in some way they benefit from buying them because they can feel good about helping. Of course this is also about general public relations wherein you promote your project or cause in the best possible way so that people can support it more. So never ever forget to add the cause page to your calendar layout.

•    The image collection – Of course, you should also have the crucial image collection for each month of your custom calendars. Make sure that the images you use for your layout are in high resolution with no apparent errors or mistakes in them. Of course, try to choose your image collection carefully and compose them with taste. Make sure that you are showing the best images that will appeal to your target market, attracting them to buy your custom calendars almost immediately.

•    The calendar area – You should also of course do not forget the main calendar section itself. This is where all the months, dates and even the holidays and other special occasions are printed. Make sure that all date areas are large enough for people to add in extra notes, and of course all of your dates and events should be as precise and as accurate as possible. Mind the fonts as well and make sure that your numbers and text have a simple font style that can be easily understood.

•    The author details – Finally, never forget to place in a special section for the author details. This is where you put details about your project or company, plus a little bit more about you the author or designer as well. This section will basically become your calling card in a sense, encouraging people to contact you if they want to help you more with your fundraising efforts.

Great! Now you know all the important parts of a fundraising calendar. Make sure that you have all these elements in your calendar printing.

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