Indica Marijuana Seeds Respectfully

The history of Indica Marijuana is long and interesting. Despite that history, it is currently illegal in most parts of the United States, with the exception of 18 states,even for medical purposes. Advocates have long battled the concept that cannabis in general is a “gateway” drug, this despite scientific studies to the contrary.

There are other countries all over the world known for their production of marijuana for many purposes. Of this production, Indica marijuana is, by far, the most popular. Indica is what is considered a foundation strain of cannabis from which other strains are derived. A desert plant, Indica traces its origin to Central Asia as well as Afghanistan. Afghani Indica is grown in the high desert country and is traditionally accepted as a tool for spiritual and recreational practices while sativa, a different strain of cannabis, is widely accepted as a medical herb. The determining factor as to what each strain is used for has been dependant on the effects of the strains.

Scientists and botanists believe that Indica was originally based in a wet climate. Changes in the environment took place over the years and science believes that the strainthan “adapted” to dry climates. The Indica marijuana plant changed with the needs of the plant itself, developing, over time,a short and squat plant structure. Characteristically the Indica plant is known for its smaller structure and tends to grow wider and rounder;it has the appearance of a small shrub.TheSativa marijuanaplant is narrow and lanky because its growth requirements are different than that of the Indica. With densely branched large leaves and tight buds the Indica plant is typical of what most people see as a marijuana plant. Indica plants can, when cultivated correctly, grow to very large plants.Experts used to believe that Indica and Sativa were the same species; however studies have shown that that they are, in fact, two separate species with the Indica being the stronger strain of the two.

Botanists believe that all cannabis plants are interbred to begin with, leaving no “pure strain”. One thing they do agree on, however, is that each strain is constantly creating new variations. Indica is traditionally a cultivation plant, farmed to some degree, but Sativa is mainly grown for the seeds which are used for a number of things from medicine to oils.

Indica marijuana plantsappear to be especially equipped to preserve water making it at home in dry regions with low humidity and rainfall. These plants are also fast flowering while other strains take more time to grow.

Finally, the Indica high is described as a “pleasant buzz”. This is the typical effect that most users report. Because of the “buzz” feeling, Indica is considered an effective relaxation herb and is often considered an effective way to obtain stress relief or as a sleep aid.Medically, Indica is currently being tested and used as a pain relief treatment as well as a treatment for insomnia and weight loss.

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Marijuana Seeds Magazine is a online magazine offering terrific grow information. You will also find unbiased information on Marijuana Seed Banks and strains. It is very interactive as it has a forum.

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