Benefits of Electronic Medical Records for Patients
Electronic Medical Records are gaining in popularity and an increasing number of doctors are investing in these software systems to transfer their paper records to electronic ones. There are many incentives available for doctors who choose to make this change. There are also important benefits to patients that make it worthwhile for them to choose a doctor who uses electronic medical records.
Save Time
One benefit that patients appreciate is that electronic medical records help doctors save time. Not only can doctors access their medical records quickly and easily, but there is no need to pull a record, take it to the doctor, and then wait for the doctor to review it. Instead, access is immediate and this can be a time saver in the doctor’s office. Not to mention, in an emergency, electronic medical records can truly mean the difference between life and death.
Reduce Errors
Frequently, it is difficult for doctors to read the handwritten notes left by other doctors in the patient’s chart. As a result, errors are more likely to occur when doctors have to make an educated guess based on information handwritten in a particular record. Errors of this nature are practically eliminated because electronic medical records don’t include difficult to read handwriting. This is highly beneficial to patients because doctors can scan their health records quickly and know the answers to the important questions they are asking.
One way doctors learn about your medical history is by having you fill out a form asking you about past illnesses, operations, drugs you take or have taken, and family illnesses. As you move from doctor to doctor you may forget important pieces of your medical history. However, when your medical history is stored electronically the answers you provide to your medical history questions will always be available.
These are just a few of the benefits electronic medical records can provide to patients. There are many others, too, like allowing for easy transfer of records and the ability to change doctors without concern for losing your medical records.
Many EMR software systems are expected to be replaced over the next several years thanks to Federal stimulus money targeted for the implementation of electronic medical records systems in doctor’s practices and hospitals.