Top Tips for Effective Application Integration

The integration dilemma that enterprises encounter everyday is caused by the unavailability of any solution that is able to ‘talk’ to other applications! Earlier computer applications were intended to execute only specific purposes and were therefore crafted in varied programming languages and utilized data structures. This required no overt thinking about integration. Now we have learned the indisputable fact that complexity is a given when it comes to IT. So how can integration complexities be far behind? Since most applications and services exist on diverse platforms, the challenge is to find a way to ensure these applications can integrate effectively to meet constantly evolving business goals.

Here are a few tips that could possibly cater to your application integration woes and help resolve your problems choosing the right integration solution.

  • Scalability and Flexibility

An effective application integration solution will have an integration framework that is scalable and flexible enough to respond to real business processes and challenges. It should efficiently unify numerous integration tools and methodologies.

  • Real-time Data Integration

Your web service integration solution should deliver data integration solutions in real-time. It should effectively eliminate the process of reentering the same data into disparate systems, which becomes a highly time consuming process.

  • Secure and Distributable

A web services integration solution that is essentially secure and allows for easy movement across different geographical networks could bring forth an integration efficiency that could work wonders across enterprises.

  • Service Oriented Architecture

Check to see if your solution is truly what you need for your application systems, keeping in mind that it should be a service oriented architecture solution that allows you to use your existing system as well.

  • More Pros Than Cons

Most integration solutions suffer from many negatives. Weighing the pros and cons is an ideal way to find the right application integration solution.

  • Make an Informed Choice

Learn about all the various integration solutions out there and read the literature available on the different devices. This will help you make an informed choice.

  • Ask the Right Questions

A few basic queries posed at the right time could help evaluate and test the true strength of your existing solution and learn more about the solution you actually require. Questions like how many applications you wish to integrate, whether you will be adding extra applications in the future and what levels of scalability you require. Charting out these queries will ensure that you arrive at the right solution eventually.

Hopefully these tips will help you find the application integration solution you need. Happy searching!

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