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We describe the DB2 product family and features for Linux, and we provide step-by-step instructions for a single as well as for a multiple partition DB2 system installation and configuration. We discuss how to migrate single and multiple partition DB2 to DB2 Version 9.5, and discuss, in detail, DB2 database administration in a Linux environment, procedures and tools for database backup and recovery, online maintenance, and system monitoring. We cover DB2 integrated tools and their features and use. We discuss aspects of DB2 application development in the Linux environment and provide general tips about building and running DB2 applications on Linux and the use of DB2 application development tools.
IBM DB2 10.1 Fundamentals 000-610
Exam Number/Code : 000-610
Exam Name : DB2 10.1 Fundamentals
One year free update
Once failed,100% refund
Questions and Answers : 138Q&As
Update Time : 2012-10-10
Price :$79.00
Free 000-610 dumps Demo Download
Question: 13
When an index is created for a table, where is the metadata for that index stored?
A. In the table definition.
B. In the system catalog.
C. In the schema that the index resides in.
D. In the metadata of the table the index was created for.
Answer: B
Question: 14
Which product is used to customize execution environments for the purpose of controlling system
resources so that one department or service class does not overwhelm the system?
A. pureScale
B. Workload manager
C. Data partitioning feature
D. Self- tuning memory manager
Answer: B
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