Berberine Has Proved Beneficial For Patients Suffering from Diabetes
Berberine is an ammonia salt that is found in the roots, stem and bark of the Berberis aristata (or tree turmeric) botanical plant. Though many health benefits can be derived from this plant, it is essential to extract this product in its purest form for best results. This product is now being introduced as health supplements by leading stores and information is available on the internet. Read the benefits that can be accrued when using this supplement in its purest form.
Many studies have been conducted on mice and on humans and it has been proven that Berberine activates an enzyme that is referred to as AMPK (activate protein kinase). This enzyme regulates the uptake of glucose and carries it from the bloodstream into the cells. It increases the activity of insulin receptors and decreases insulin resistance. It has been used as an active component of Coptis chinensis (Huang-lian) which is a herb that has been used in China successfully to treat type 2 diabetes for thousands of years. It has also been used successfully in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. Studies on the subject revealed that people who used this product found significant reductions in their triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Doctors, who prescribed Berberine also suggest that people who take this plant alkaloid should also exercise and diet for maximum gains. It is found in tree turmeric, (Berberis aristata) goldenthread, (Coptis chinensis) goldenseal, (Hydrastis Canadensis) Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium) and barberry (Berberis vulgaris). It has many healing properties that help people who suffer from cardiovascular, antimicrobial diarrhea, anti-inflammatory diarrhea, Candida and fungal infections.
People who suffer from diabetes are recommended Metformin which is a first-line drug to fight diabetes in people who suffer from type 2 diabetes especially when they are obese or suffer from malfunctioning of the kidneys. Some studies prove that this product had similar, if not more effective results for lowering glucose. It also has been used to treat obesity in people and enhance memory functions, apart from improving insulin secretion in patients who suffer from diabetes.
In the USA, 97% to 98% pure extracts of Berberine are being used to treat people who suffer from diabetes. The results have proved successful as it has lowered cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels and enhance AMPK as well as insulin sensitization. People who diet and exercise take this health supplement to regulate their blood sugar levels and reduce their chances of becoming insulin-dependent. Doctors prescribe 500 mg of at least 98% pure extract twice or thrice daily depending on each patient and recommend a low carbohydrate diet that is rich in proteins for best results. Patients are happy to report loss in weight as they exercise and burn calories naturally.
Once you have identified the online store that sells this product in your area, you can contact their website to get more details. Most of the leading retail stores that sell this brand offer discounts and guarantees on the product and deliver it safely to you. Read their terms and conditions and have the product sent safely to you.
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If you are looking for a safe plant-based product for lowering blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides, contact The Leaner Living Store for more information about Berberine . They offer a 10% discount right now on Glycosolve with Berberine .