Get the perfect customers for your business using the email-to-sms service.

No more ineffective advertising campaigns that make significant investments go down the drain. Now the email-to-sms service is at the disposal of every business which wants to make the most of the available technology. With a single email sms your company can reach the desired clients, using specific details in order to make sure the information is received by the right person.


With the development of technology, the reliability of what we think of now as more “rudimentary” technologies has decreased. An email may end up in the spam folder and be deleted forever, or it can simply be ignored in the multitude of emails that a company is bombarded with. With email-to-sms applications the chances your message goes unnoticed are minimal. You can use a comfortable and economical service which guarantees that the targeted contact or list of people will receive your message instantly without the slightest risk of missing it.


Likewise, mobile phone text messages are rather expensive and do not benefit from all the features that an email sms offers. Since ordinary sms messages have been designed for everyday interaction purposes, this method is neither indicated nor appropriate for business related communication. One of the advantages of email-to-sms services is the fact that you can organize your contacts and handle heavy groups and lists without having to deal with problems such as spam or system failure.


Also regarding the customers addressed, email-to-sms messages can be personalized depending on the group or person you want to reach. All you need to do is introduce the phone number coded in the service email address and send an email sms which instants later will be read by the client as an sms on their mobile phone. Moreover, the reply sent from the contact’s phone number is stored in your inbox as an email, which makes the information circulate faster and renders the communication more efficient.


Another important point is the significantly lower costs involved. Traditional mobile phone messages are expensive and charge per every single sent sms; in addition to this, they allow an extremely restrictive number of characters per message. Email-to-sms services on the other hand, are flexible and only charge per purchased package. Besides this, you also have the freedom to limit the access to the service within your company to a few selected email addresses or configure the account so as to permit access to whole domains.


More on the topic of email-to-sms on our website. Check us out today and learn how choosing an email sms over the traditional means of advertising can substantially increase efficiency of your business.

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