Success through how you Think About Yourself

If you think that you are a winner you train like one i.e. With maximum focus, great expectancies, excitement and consistent effort. This tract takes a glance at why folks think like winners or losers and what they can do about it.

Steve Siebold describes in his fresh book -‘177 psychological Toughness systems of the planet Class ‘ – how he’d have liked to be a tennis champion.

He had all of the talent and the requirement obligatory but on occasions he lacked the idea that he used to be a potential champ. As he grew older his rankings started to drop and he no longer foretold to win and so he started training like a loser instead of a winner. He suspects that what made the difference was his faith in himself or his dearth of it. He lost some of his belief in himself through associating too much with what he calls the ‘middle class ‘ instead of the ‘world class ‘. The middle class are too quickly happy with unsatisfactory results. The top class are only content when they become champions in whatever they do whether or not it’s’s playing tennis or making profits. I did so well the principal of the varsity recommended I move up a complete year. This was a genuine mistake. I now came under the influence of class friends who did not like the undeniable fact I had jumped a year. Many of them called me a swat and a bighead. Maybe they were right but I don’t believe so. Working diligently was scowled on by this bunch. They modified my considering myself such a lot that instead of pondering myself as a champion student, I saw myself as a variety of a freak for working so long.

My effort dropped with my self-image.

Never deprecate the influence of those around you. I was lucky in the last analysis to pass my exams and get to university. It has taken me many years to recover belief in myself. I was aided by the great American positive thinkers like Norman Vincent Peale, Frank Bettger and William James.

One English writer who has helped considerably in this is the millionaire Stuart Goldsmith. His book ‘The Midas Technique ‘ explains how most of us are brainwashed during infancy into believing there’s an invisible ceiling to our progress which we’ll never break thru. When we understand this ceiling is only a fantasy of the imagination of ourselves and our supposed ‘friends ‘, we’ll be prepared to break thru our restrictions and achieve top class results which should stupefy us. We wish to inspect our beliefs about ourselves and to notice that plenty of them came from the convictions of folks that thought that fantastic results were just for the few and that our dreams were just ‘pie in the sky ‘. Instead of listening to the middle class or the torment class ( the ones that aren’t even informed of the possibility that they may be champions ), let’s start listening to the top class. We don’t need to have a qualification in psychology to do all this.

Some horse-sense and observation can show us the way. It may also help to read the books of folks like Steve Siebold and Stuart Goldsmith and – if I dare say it without being called a bighead – myself! You might or might not have accessibility to top class neighbors or chums but you have straightforward access to top class writers and thinkers through the media of books, audios and video tapes. The web has, naturally, dilated that access massively. It is about time you and I joined the top flight and made the best of the championship potential which is there in everyone.

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