Affiliation Between Time Management and Setting Targets

Can you simplify how time management and setting goals are related? It’s a mild theme. It is obvious to conceive the answer. But it is arduous to formulate it. I am deeply convinced that as long as anyone can not simplify well, he does not fully apprehend the answer. He can have some correct thought, but he does not get clear vision of situation.

That’s why a few teachers can’t explain well. When you have clear vision you have big advantage. It’s easier for you to behold the circumstances from the other side. You can find some surprise decision. You become more cutthroat.

First of all, there is no time handling without goals. It happened, for example, when you do nothing. You waste your time; you have no need to watch it. You have no goals. But, if you decided a goal, you will think regarding time. How to reach your goal in time. Or if you have numerous goals, you will wonder about time needed to reach each goal, and in what way or manner to minimize it.

The second, time handling skills are highly special. If you have no goal, it is really hard to train this skills. It is not obvious, but it is simple to comprehend. If you don’t have a goal, you don’t have impetus to achieve something. If you don’t have impetus it is tough to do anything, including training time handling skills.

And the third, it is really tough to achieve big goal without time management, in consideration of it is not easy to set time limit for goal. Commonly you need to achieve goal as far as you can. So you set a small limit of time, but you have strong impetus. And time handling comes to help you. You increase you skills, you waste little time, you get more time to achieve goal, so you become more successful.

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