Top 5 Romantic Date Ideas

Whether you are ten years married or just beginning to date, having some romantic date ideas up your sleeve is always a good plan. Are you tired of going to the football match every weekend? Does he keep asking you to suggest something to do on your dates, and all you can think of is the same old restaurant or a movie? Keep him interested and keep the relationship fresh with our top 5 list of romantic dates!

1. The Beach At Sunset

There is not much that can beat sunset on the beach for romance. Every girl looks alluring in the warm glow from the setting sun – and you will find your date looks rather gorgeous too!

Take along a bottle of wine (or maybe even champagne) and a picnic of delicious snacks – and don’t forget the blanket to cuddle up on when the sun is gone!

2. Scavenge For Kisses

Make a list of 20 things that you are likely to see in your neighborhood or your city – a blue truck, a bicycle, an art gallery, a tied up dog, etc – then go out and find them and kiss in front of each one. Have extra fun by taking along a camera and asking passers by to snap you kissing at each spot.

If you find all 20, you get to go home for a massage. If you don’t find all 20 … you still get to go home for a massage!

3. Den Of Love

Build a den or fortress with your date, just like when you were kids. It could be a tree house or a shelter in the woods, or just a construction of chairs and blankets in the house. Then hide out in it together with a feast of food, wine and maybe some romantic music.

4. Meeting A Stranger

Arrange to meet your date in a new bar where you will not see anyone you know. Arrive separately and pretend you are strangers, just meeting for the first time. Flirt and buy each other drinks. To add to the mystery, think of a few things that your date doesn’t know about you, to tell him in the bar. He can do the same and you will really be like two people getting to know each other.

5. Hotel De Luxe

If you are married or living together and you want to put some quality time back into your relationship with a little romance thrown in, try a night in a hotel. It’s great for getting away from kids, pets, parents and the other day to day elements of your life.

Go for the most luxurious hotel you can afford and spoil yourselves. Take along some massage oils and order room service or champagne. Watch the sunset from your window or balcony, hang the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door and leave the TV switched off.

You will be amazed what a few romantic date ideas like these can do for your relationship!

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