How To Attract Beautiful Women In 3 Seconds (or Less)

It takes a woman exactly 3 seconds to decide if she will
sleep with you. And this may comes a shock, but the
decision isn’t made by her, it’s made by you.

Over time I’ve learned that the easiest ways to attract
beautiful women is to assume they already like you.
Hey, it’s no secret that women find confidence extremely
sexy. And few things convey more confidence than
acting like she is someone you are already sleeping with.

But come on Chris, what if I am short, chubby and
don’t have male model looks? If I just assume beautiful
women like me am I not being delusional?

Sure, on the surface it may look like this amazing woman
is out of your league. But listen closely because I’m about
to reveal the biggest secret for having more women than
you can handle in this lifetime. Are you ready?
*A woman’s beauty compared to yours has no bearing on
if you should assume she likes you or not*

What this means is, putting out a seductive relaxed vibe around
women should be a natural part of your personality. In other words,
you are being seductive for the pleasurable feelings that it provides
you. Not as some kind of secret pickup technique to attract her.

So how would you act if you knew the woman you were talking to
already liked you? Would you entertain her with stories and witty
banter. Would you tease her and break rapport. Would you try to
lower her value and act disinterested? I don’t know about you, but
all that stuff sounds like the things I would only do if I thought a
woman wasn’t attracted to me.

Have you ever looked at a woman and just knew right away you
could get her? After just a minute of conversation you had no doubt
she was coming home with you. Maybe she looked exactly like a
former girlfriend or perhaps you were just feeling really confident
that night. How did you act around her? Did you do anything

I bet you probably held her gaze, got really close to her
and didn’t feel the need to say or do anything special.
In fact, you probably sat back and let her talk most of the
time (qualify herself) while you thought “it’s just a matter of time”.

The reason this laid back style works so well is because by
putting out a seductive vibe, what you are really saying is,
“I already know you like me”. And what do you do when you
know a woman is already attracted to you. Exactly, you escalate.

And by escalate I mean you should look at her seductively,
move into her space, and keep relatively silent. You don’t
worry about saying or doing anything special. In fact, you
may not have realized it at the time, but you basically let
the sexual tension that exists naturally between men and
women do all the work for you.

Look, you can spend years working on improving yourself, but
in the end assuming attraction is really the ultimate reflection
of your inner confidence. Meaning it’s really up to you, not her,
to make the final decision if you’re an attractive guy or not.

If you truly believe you are an attractive person then you will
act calm and seductive around women. You will be confident
holding her gaze and feel comfortable basking in the natural
sexual tension that reveals itself in the brief moments of silence.

However, if you think she is out of your league then you will
automatically feel like you need to do and say special stuff. You
will focus on being social, funny and interesting. You will worry
about the right words to say. You will try too hard.

The decision whether she will find you attractive or not is usually
made in the first 3 seconds.*But never forget, the decision is always
made by you, not her.

To Your Success,
Chris Andersen

To See Live Proof of How YOU Can Attract Beautiful
Women in Just 3 Seconds Check Out This Free Video

Before We Take It Down Forever

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