Ex-pat Engineering Jobs in Oil and Gas
Job seekers with engineering backgrounds and experience should definitely consider a job in the oil and gas industry. The pay is much higher than their counterpart industries and if you are one that wants to travel you could find yourself employed anywhere in the world. From countries like China to Kazakhstan – the options are endless when it comes to the oil and gas industry. For job seekers with a bit more flare for adventure there is the offshore oil rigs based kilometres out to sea that can offer highly paid wages in return for the oil rig discomforts and personal safety one puts at risk for being there.
Oil and gas recruiters are always looking for expat engineers and if you have industry experience you have just made yourself highly employable. Entry level positions are hard to come by when working in a foreign country as most companies would prefer to pay the local employee the countries acceptable pay rate (Which, to you or me is close to nothing!). Although living conditions can be a little different from what you would normally expect from back home most people expats learn to appreciate the way of life from what they are used to. Most developing countries are a lot more relaxed than normal hustle and bustle of developed countries and there seems to be a lot less red tape.
There is an ever growing demand for engineering jobs in oil and gas. As the industry diversifies, so does its demand for what they expect from there engineers. New positions are created on a regular basis. Developing countries and countries now tapping into their natural reserve are looking to the expertise of engineers to help in the development of new plants the world over. Australia oil and gas jobs have grown tenfold over the last years and even countries like China look to the help of the oil and gas engineer.
Due to the world demand for cleaner fuels the industry has now had to employ engineers from environment and green backgrounds. As the industry moves forward so it creates new jobs and being qualified as an engineer will almost definitely find you in regular employment.