The best music with digital room correction and multi-sub optimization
There are several actions you can take to ensure that you are able to experience the best quality music. If you have been experiencing not the best music from your system, the reasons may not be related to the system at all. There are a few checks that you can do to ensure that the music is as per your liking. Among the various actions possible, digital room correction and multi-sub optimization are among the easiest. You don’t need to spend a lot for taking these actions and the results are startlingly clear.
Digital room correction is essentially a three-step process that will allow you to figure out why the music quality is not as good as it should be.
The first step in digital room correction is measurement. This is where you use a calibration microphone and a software application and perform some tests. You will be able to play some sweeping tones that will be recorded by the software application. Both the frequency and time of your system will be measured during this phase and you can then move on to the next step. The second step is filter generation where on the basis of complex mathematical calculations the acoustic filters will be generated. Different software applications have different ways of measuring and filtering, but at the end a target curve is generated. The final step is to process the filter using hardware so that the right configuration is achieved and the music quality is as per your choice.
Multi-sub optimization is all about using multiple subwoofers so that the listening experience is even across the room. You can also use a single subwoofer but it has to be positioned perfectly.
Multi-sub optimization not only improves bass, but offers other benefits too. If there is persistent zero or null output from the system, multiple subwoofers can address the issue. Some talk about using room EQ, but it has been proven that room EQ can do nothing where the response is null. Because you have other items in the room where your system is placed, finding the perfect position for a single subwoofer can be extremely difficult. Use multiple subwoofers and you will have more freedom in placement.
It is important for you to note that digital room correction and multi-sub optimization are not common. You will use them only if you are a music aficionado. There are people like you who cannot stand any distortion in music and both these can help them. There are providers of these software and hardware and you can shop online too. But because they are lesser known in the world of music, it is important that you shop with care. Otherwise you will end up spending money and not get the desired result.
What you should do is find out in detail about digital room correction and multi-sub optimization. Most of the reputed manufacturers help their clients with step-by-step guide on how to download the calibration files, how to make the measurements and how to finally implement the changes.
Make your system perform at its best with digital room correction and multi-sub optimization.