Benefits of printing offset business cards and 32 pt cards

Businesses being the real deal in today’s world, everything related to business has been set as an aspect of significant importance. Quite a few times, it has been seen that features relating to the business or being part of the same, have garnered fame and name in no time. Business cards fall under this very category. With business houses and enterprises flourishing all over the world, the advent of business cards has made the process lot easier than it already was. The business cards are information-holders about the organization as well as the designation of the cardholder in the business.

Previously advertisements were carried out in posters, hoardings and placards but with the introduction of business cards, they have reached the public directly without any medium. This has made it all the more efficient for the people at large to know about a specific enterprise with detailed information about the same. Now, the game has been notched up a bit higher with the varied designs of the business cards. The business cards have attained a drastic makeover with all the features simply spelling out smartness and style. If you are the owner and are looking out for some great makeovers for your already existent business cards, here is your guide to that.

• What are the offset business cards?

Offset business cards are different from regular business cards. They are printed at a much lower cost than regular business cards. The process, too, is quite impressive. It takes a lot of hard work as well. The offset printing has crispy and clean lines because of the plate that transfers the images or the texts of a business card onto a rubber sheet by pressing it directly on the paper.

• What are the benefits of printing offset business cards?

Lowers cost:

The digitally printed cards are expensive than offset business cards. If you order in bulk, you can avail a great deal of paying almost half the amount of printing one or two. As the number of cards in your order list increases, the price goes down quite drastically. However, to be kept in mind, this is only applicable if your prints are in bulk of at least 20 cards at one go. Anything lesser than that will cost you quite a lot as the set up requires a lot of hard work.

• What are 32 pt business cards?

These are by far the thickest cards available in the printing industry. The 32 pt business cards are printed with a card stock of super ultra-thick 32pt. They guarantee a 10% thickness and are designed to be uncoated and rough that is super strong. They have no glossy finish. They come in extremely minimalistic designs. The texture is rough and hence putting photographs on the cards is not a good option.

The benefits of the 32 pt business cards are as follows:


The rough texture soaks the ink quite deep, and hence it becomes a lovely idea to incorporate texts and graphics onto the cards instead of any pictures. The graphics look super cool with the fonts. The durability and resistance make people switch to these 32 pt business cards for their official purpose.

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Gaining a good reputation and working to sustain the same is difficult. However, with these Offset business cards and 32 pt business cards , wipe your worries away and seal the deal.

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