3D Printer Technology Limited Printers to Produce More Affordable Prostheses

1888PressRelease – 3D Printer Technology Limited to offer 3D printers to public healthcare providers at a discounted price.

Over the last few years, 3D printing technology has made astounding advancements in the healthcare sector. 3D printing technology has made it possible to print everything from organs to medication. In 2013, the first 3D-printed prosthetic hand was produced for a 5-year-old boy in South Africa and since then, the demand for 3D-printed prostheses has grown exponentially making it one of the most commercially successful applications of the technology seen to date.

The use of 3D printing technology has produced designs and models that are lighter in weight and far more affordable than the traditionally-produced prostheses which carry a hefty price tag.

3D Printer Technology Limited is pleased to announce that it plans to offer its 3D printers to public hospitals at a significantly discounted price for a limited time. The aim is to provide 3D printers to institutions to that may not have the funding to afford them otherwise. It is hoped that this will, in turn, make 3D printing technology more available to those in need of prostheses.

“3D printing technology is undoubtedly one of the wonders of the 21st century. At 3D Printer Technology Limited, we believe that the technology should be widely available to those in need of prostheses. There are already wonderful resources available online that allow people to collaborate on prosthesis design and create their own prosthetic by making use of a range of templates. All that is needed to bring these templates to life is access to a 3D printer,” says Jin Teng, Chief Technology Officer at 3D Printer Technology Limited.


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