How to Date White Girls For Asian Guys
What would you say if I told you that there’s a small group of Asian men who account for 90% of all interracial hookups and relationship? That there’s this select few of Asian guys who absolutely have their stuff together when it comes to picking up women? Would you call me full of it?
I know, being Asian is supposed to be this huge disadvantage in the dating game. That’s why we have all these Asian guys crying online on their message boards about racism and negative Hollywood stereotypes (you know which forums I am talking about). I used to be one of those people spending all day talking to other lonely Asian dudes about how we need to change society and what not. I don’t do that anymore.
Asian guys are just to damn shy for their own good. I talked to a girl yesterday who told me she had never considered dating Asian guys before. I was curious as to why, so I asked. Guess what she said? It wasn’t about Asian men being short or skinny or any of the other things that Asian men fret about it. What was it? ‘Asian men are just not confident!’, she went on to tell me how she would sometimes be in a bar or coffee shop and there would be an Asian guy she found attractive, but when she tried getting his attention he would look down and not keep eye contact. That marked him as unconfident and lack of confidence in a man is a major deal breaker for women!
Women like confidence in men. I know you have heard this before.
Don’t get me wrong here. It’s not easy to just go over and talk to a girl you have never met before. And those rejections kind of sting, don’t they?
Ask yourself honestly: Is this the kind of man I want to be?
Because if the answer to that question is not a resounding ‘YES’, then you might as well just stop reading here, cause you won’t have the motivation and desire to change.
As an Asian man myself, a former shy, nerdy guy, I’ve spent years figuring out how to become like those guys. I travelled all over the world; I saw Asian guys in Europe not having any of the same issues as Asian American guys, I understood that it all begins with how you look at yourself, how you speak to yourself when no one is around.
It’s NOT about being good looking, athletic or rich.
Some of the world’s best Asian playboys are ugly. Many were shy, dateless guys for years until they made a decision to get this part of their lives sorted out.
It’s your choice.
So, as you’re reading this, one or more of these may hold true for you. But so will it have done for those Asian PUA’s I mentioned earlier. Here’s what it takes to get where they are now:
1) Admit you suck with women
2) Acknowledge that you can learn to attract women
3) Buy a couple of seduction books or take a boot camp
4) Practice, Practice, Practice
It’s going to take some dedication on your part to get this part of your life sorted out. It’s not going to happen overnight. You need to get that negative self talk rewired and then go out and start talking to people. I started late, close to 30, and I wish that I would have had this information when I was younger. I felt embarrassed all those years, but ultimately I made the right move. Now, I want you to take that same leap of faith.
Read more about Asian men white women and Pattaya girls