How To Deal With Aggressive Behaviour In Dogs
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A number of factors can trigger actual aggression of dogs. Undoubtedly, the dog’s aggressive behavior can be explained by two factors, genetic and heredity. Dog’s that have not been spayed have more aggressive [tendencies
It is the dog’s environment known to be the most significant factor that control dog’s aggressive behavior. As the dog ages it is far more likely to be aggressive when it is exposed to poor living conditions, harsh masters, no socialization, or has been frightened or attacked by another dog.
If pack pecking order needs to be established, aggression in dogs can grow. A dog testing for dominance will often result to biting, posturing and other aggressive tendencies. To ensure that your dog won’t get a chance to take control of your household, establish dominance at a young age and maintain that position throughout the dog’s adolescence years.
Stopping and Controlling Aggressive Behavior in Dogs
You should address the aggressive behavior of your dog right away when it has reached sexual maturity or after the age of 14 months. Initially, identify yourself as the pack leader. Your dog should not be rewarded for his aggressive behavior even if it is frightening.
Train your dog to respond to your commands, control feeding and walking times, and make sure the dog has a strong leader in the house. Deferring your dog and allowing them to take freedom from your home will demonstrate stronger violent behavior to others.
If your dog is defensive-aggressive, they may strike out at a person in fear. Keep your children away from an aggressive dogs, if possible, send them to training where dog are being taught how to adapt to a social atmosphere.
Aggressive behavior in dogs is a huge problem that many owners have, but it can be controlled, even as your dog gets older. Hire a professional to intervene before someone gets hurt and your dog is held responsible if your aggression ever advances to violence.
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