Website Advice: Backlinking (SEO Reactor)
5.0 Backlinks – An information guide
Backlinks/Backlinking is one of the most powerful forms of Live Wire Web Marketing.
A backlink is a link from another website leading into yours. Google Spider (crawler) bots travel via linking. The more times a bot lands on your site via backlink from another the more your pagerank is effect.
Why does this matter? The higher the pagerank, the greater value of your website. The greater the value the higher you appear on Google, Yahoo, Bing etc… Also this effects the monetry value of your website if you wish to sell it. So, more backlinks = more traffic.
Backlinks are obtained though affiliate link exchanges between other sites. They are also obtained when you post your hyper-link url (your http://) web address, on forums or on a Twitter feed. Another great method to secure backlinks is in articles submissions. There are millions of articles databases out there. You write an article and insert your link at the end. People may or may not even find the articles, let alone read it, but the Spider Bots will. Every link you secure is that much more towards your pagerank. Directory linsting/Indexing is another great method to gain backlinks.
You can backlink from 1,000 smaller, low pagerank websites or if your site is good enough, and has great content you can obtain a backlink from a PR 9 (Pagerank 9) website. When a Pagerank 9 site links to you, your Pagerank is given an SEO boost to a higher ranking. This can be done by emailing a webmaster, commenting on a post, buying advertisement, etc… Get creative.
Backlinks require maintance, you may secure 1200 backlinks, have a PR5 site one month and the next you can see a drop to 1000 backlinks and your Pagerank drops, as does your traffic and location on Google and other search engines. This may happen for many reason, your link was removed, the website went down, or the page which hosted your link was pushed to the back of a site.
We see this often, many site have a homepage with a PR9 and the rest of the site is PR1. This is due to bad Intra-site navigation. All pages on a website should link to on another, like a web so that each page may recieve the same PR, the Bots can crawl easy, and People can navigate it better. When a site links pages in a line : Home > News > Archive > 2008 > Technology > March > Article (containing your link) : you have been pushed into the depths of the website and low Pagerank. A proper linking website would have a site map (TBD later) or a link on the homepage to the technology page so that the bots can crawl better and navigation be made easy. Take note of this during your submission process.
No-Follow Links are used by a lot of databses and indexes to thwart off Spamers. You need to stay away from No-Follow Sites. (most will clearly tell you) No-Follow stops the bots and keeps you from getting a backlinks. But you can index your site on a no follow and hope for people to run accross it. It can’t hurt, but, they arent the best.
There are also tools which can help you out with this as well. (Pro Section)
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