Let your Business Cards Work for You

GET RID OF THEM. If there is one mantra you need to follow in a business card campaign, that should be it. You need to hand out your cards to just about anyone you think will be interested in your business. When you dine at Starbucks or any restaurant, leave your business card with the tip. When you visit diners, talk to the owner and ask if you can put a business card holder on the counter. Anywhere you go where you think there are a lot of people who might be interested in what you have to offer, make sure to leave your card.

In other words, get rid of your business cards. If you check on your card holder and there are still a good number of cards left, then you are not doing any progress in handing them out. Get out there and give them out to people. As one of the most crucial marketing tool you can use in your business, your cards will serve as your initial contact with your target customers. This is why it is critical that you have your card with you anywhere you go.

But your business card won’t be any good if it doesn’t look professional, engaging, and doesn’t let your prospects remember you and your products or services. Achieving all that in a piece of paper that is just 3 ½ by 2 inches in size may seem impossible. But that is realizable. How? Here are suggestions you can consider:

Use a slogan. If what your business offers is not easily recognizable to people from your business name alone, you can create a one line slogan that will tell people what you offer. This slogan has to be in your business card and in all other marketing materials that you use.

Put in your website and email address.
We are in the digital age today, so people would naturally look for your website and email in your business card. If you don’t have a website and an email yet, you may want to consider getting one right away. It’s ideal to use and email that uses your website as the address instead of using the commercial email hosts such as Yahoo and Google to make your business more credible. If worry about spam, ask your webmaster to create two email accounts for you, one that you can put in your business card and a private email that you can give out only to your trusted associates.

Create a business card that stands out. There’s a good chance that your business card may end up in the trash or stuffed with the other business cards in the drawer. As much as possible, you want a card that is unique and attention-grabbing to increase your chance of getting noticed. Use bright colors in your business card templates and good card stock to ensure people will notice your card.

Choose a good card stock. A business card that looks flimsy will only leave a poor impression to your target customers. So, be sure to use a heavyweight and high quality card stock to ensure you create a card that means “real” business. Also, have your card printed by a professional printer on a good card stock to guarantee that you leave a good impression on people.

More tips and information’s on how to effectively make a stand out card templates can be found at online printing business cards.

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