Dog Toys – What Is Safe For Your Pet?
By : Stephen Whitehouse
Dogs are analogous to kids requiring cautious guarding even at play. Certain dog toys are harmless and the animal can safely play with it when alone, however some are to be given only under supervision and taken away henceforth.
Buy the Right Size Dog Toy
The size of the dog toy has to match the mouth size of the dog; bigger dogs need big toys and smaller ones puny ones. A small toy can obstruct breathing airway of a huge dog. With increase in physical size the smaller toys become redundant. Teething time is a firm artificial bone nibbling time. Prepared with growth ingredients it keeps the dog occupied for a long time.
The dog breed traits are also important. It decides the jaw strength. A toy harmless for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel could be hazardous for strong jaw owner puny terrier. Small pedigree specifically terriers possess a lot of strength in their jaws which may not be the case in much bigger breeds. So purchase huge dog toys such as Kongs for them.
Toys with Moving Parts Are Unsafe
Inspect the toy for the strength of movable section. A part that gives way easily can block the wind pipe of the dog. For instance a ball with enclosed bell; once the dog tears apart the ball it will play with the small bell accidently taking it in. For similar reasons gaps in the toy can prove fatal. Many hollow balls are designed with a hole on the side. The dog’s tooth can get entangled in it causing discomfort for the dog.
Squeak toys
Squeak toys are of two models; one in which the squeaker is inserted in the molding stage while in the other a metal one is inserted in the hole after the toy is ready. The metal piece can come off easily therefore harming the dog as it nibbles it. Inexpensive toys may be made presentable by lead paints. Go in for branded or certified products to safeguard you the agony of getting poisoned dog treated by a vet. All toys have label and read it carefully prior to purchase.
Material of the toy is to be considered
Hard plastic is very brittle and one dog bite is enough to break it into pieces. Its shape edged broken pieces can give wound to the dog in the mouth, paws or the tongue. Other toys are manufactured from plastic that is soft latex. Even if any piece is swallowed by the dog it will be excreted out as such without any side effect. The color of excrete in some cases may change the following day.
Stuffies: Some Dogs Love Them
Gorgeous stuffed toys are available in different sizes along with squeaker. Larger pieces are preferable as choking hazard is ruled out. Most dogs tear apart the toy if left on their own. Give these magnificent toys when you can guide them in play. The trained dog learns to play with care without extracting even the squeaker.
Rawhide Chew toys
There is a controversy surrounding these toys. It’s best to consult a vet and follow the advice.
About Author :
Stephen Whitehouse from writes about Dog toys For more information about Dog toys visit