How To Make Cat Toys From Household Items?
By : Stephen Whitehouse
Imagine the disappointment when an expensive new toy does not catch the fancy of your pet cat and is discarded! Well now you have an alternative. Use the forsaken household material to create a new toy for your cat. The new creativity will not only please the cat but will keep your surroundings cleaner as well.
The Catnip Sock
Pets love to play with your old pair of socks; the pet will prefer it better if it carries the scent of the owner. The sock can be filled loosely and then tied with catnip, the aromatic herb. Any holes in the socks can be plugged. Pass it to the cat and enjoy the acrobatic reaction.
Jingle Bottle Toy
Empty capped bottle well washed and cleaned with soap can be a toy with little imagination. Once it is dry, slip in some jungle bells inside; cap it firmly or else close the mouth with a tape. Do not be disheartened if jingle bells are not available. There is alternative in the form of cereal, rice, arid beans, macaroni, or other similar noise producing household things. All have the same impact. Present it to the cat for frolic.
String or shoe lace chase toy
Some remaining string, even a shoe lace will do. All you need is some feathers or better a stuffed toy. Tie this to one end of the string and place it in front of the cat. Keep the loose end with you. Occasionally give a jerk to the string; the object towards the cat will move and it will chase to capture it. This leisure activity is best done under supervision.
There are ample options among household items which can right away be converted into play things for the cat. These require no more additions. Present the following items to the cat and watch it play.
- Tennis balls
- Cardboard box
- Worn out hair bands
- Straws used for drinking
- Cork of wine bottles
- Rings that cover milk bottles
- Empty toilet paper tubes
Toilet paper tube can be made more tempting if it is swelled up with old tissue papers or still better by cat food. Enjoy the fun as the cat struggles with concentration to reach the inside stuff to eat. Similar idea can be used with the cardboard box. Fill it will tissue papers and the cat is most likely to take a plunge inside and shred the paper to bits. The ideas are novel but the play den needs tidying up once the game is over. It is an added work for the owner.
Such instantaneously fun providing things cost nothing and keep the home tidy of waste material as well. The owner and the pet enjoy good time together. Reuse and recycle for the love of feline friend which is like a family member. So it becomes all the more necessary to keep it happy and in good spirit. An ill tempered angry cat will be calm and composed once it has enjoyed a good playful activity.
About Author :
Stephen Whitehouse from writes about Cat Toys For more information about Cat Toys visit