Pet Toys – Have Some For Your Pet Now!
By : Stephen Whitehouse
Pets give us company, happy times and memories. If you have a pet, you can never get bored. They are bound to engage you in all sorts of games throughout the day. For many pet owners, they do not have time to play with their so called friends. Some will lock them up in cages or bind with a chain throughout the day and night; that is regarding dogs and parrots. Before the Animal Rights Activists catch up with you, why don’t you buy or make them some toys?
Pet toys are specially designed for pets to play with. Toys enhance the growth and confidence in these pets. They keep them active and happy. That is why they need different types of toys to keep them amused especially when you are too busy with your work and they are left all by themselves.
Despite the toy manufacturers having the best interest in mind when designing these toys, it’s the duty of their owner to ensure that the toys are safe for their pet. They should not be intoxicating, or ones that may harm the general wellbeing of the pet, for instance, if orally consumed. Ropes, threads and strings may wrap around their toes or neck hence strangle them or interfere with their blood circulation.
Some of the homemade pet toys include toilet paper and paper towels that pets use while rolling on the floor. Huge boxes too act as good playing tools though they will need frequent replacement due to tear and wear. Crumpled upon paper is also fairly good for pets such as rats, which love to dive, dig and hide in plastic bins and boxes containing crumpled paper.
Where rats are kept as pets, wood can be used as a toy. Rats love chewing untreated and unpainted wood in order to keep their teeth strong and in good condition. Hard shelled nuts do play the same role as well since they too contain a tasty treat inside.
Other types of toys can be bought from pet shops or through the Internet. These don’t necessarily have to be designed exclusively for pets; they can play with your toys as well like the Barbie dolls, vehicles, boats, puzzles or toy soldiers. Toys like the water toys are a good choice when going to the swimming pool or the beach. They are durable and cheap so, nothing can make you keep on postponing getting one.
Engaging your pet in physical activity gives them a chance to exercise and enhance their physical fitness. When it comes to dogs, throwing and catching things improves their eye co-ordination. Other than the toys, taking your pet for a walk or a running session plays an integral part in their life than playing in one environment all by themselves.
Toys stimulate the development of both mental and physical skills that are important in your pet’s later lives. These pet toys are very affordable and long lasting. You therefore should not have any excuses for not giving your pet the number of toys they desire.
About Author :
Stephen Whitehouse from writes about Pet Toys For more information about Pet Toys visit