The Scent of Eros for Men: A Human Pheromone Appraisal

Perhaps you are disconcerted after reading measureless critiques on human pheromones, in a hollow attempt to conclude which attractant pheromones work the best? Or which work at all? If so, feasibly I can steer you in the right direction.

Three years ago I supervised my own verification. An empirical pheromone thesis, if you will, in which I inspected the top ten pheromone products on the market and documented my testing results. The empirical method is one of the most direct and to the point methods of evaluation. In other words, I tried the stuff, and documented whether or not others responded to it.

For what purpose? I conducted this pheromone review method because the truth of the matter is, that scientific research in this field is still in its infancy, there is no accurate solid “evidence” that precisely comes to a conclusion one way or another! The true analysis one can assume from existing clinical studies on attractant pheromones is, that they “don’t know” exactly how humans are affected by pheromones, they currently have sound theories regarding the matter, but not satisfactory scientific proof.

For reasons of briefness I will not go into all ten products embedded in my human pheromone evaluations, but I will address the top pheromone cologne, the Scent of Eros pheromone cologne.

The Scent of Eros for Men is originated by Stone Independent Research, in partnership with James Vaughn Kohl the creator of the book by the same name. The Scent of Eros fragrance line is one of the earliest in the pheromone industry, they have been in business since the opening of it all!

I ordered ten small gel packs of the Scent of Eros for my inspectional method, and applied a full gel pack, as you would an aftershave product, during the given testing periods.

The fragrance of the Scent of Eros is very congenial, both pleasing to the wearer and to others around the wearer. The pheromone product drys very quickly as if you had applied a moisturizer, and seems to last from anywhere between 6-8 hours.

The responses I beheld while wearing the Scent of Eros were always very positive, from males and females alike, which is positively worth mentioning. This attractant pheromone is designed to “enhance ones natural appeal,” with the affect of making those around the wearer noticeably more “friendly” and “chatty.” It is a perfectly safe product to wear in the office, as the smell is pleasant, and the overall affects are more conducive to an office atmosphere, so long as you are ok with more attention, as you will get “noticed.”

I rapidly realized a prime example of the Scent of Eros’ effectiveness during an one-on-one sales rendezvous I had with the purchasing manager at another building. I met in her place of business to haggle a new contract on behalf of my corporation. This purchasing manager is in her mid to late twenties, married, pretty attractive, and is very energetic and quick witted.

Prior to walking into the huddle I had applied a Scent of Eros gel pack. I was not able to note any response from this manager until after about 2-3 minutes had passed..and then it clearly hit her.

This fast conversing quick witted purchasing manager, become noticeably more relaxed, at ease, and friendly with me. She also responded by slowing down in her speech and volume, she started speaking very quietly, which is not her regular behavior while negotiating a contract!

As time went on during this meet I observed her leaning forward in her chair towards me, with profound interest in what I had to say. Amusingly, she was not nearly as quick witted as normal, she seemed to become more, “distracted,” unable to find paper work she had misplaced on her desk, nor remember what she had just said in regards to the business we were discussing. In short, she was utterly relaxed, at ease, and distracted from the business at hand, behavior which for her, is completely “out of character!”

As I had to make use of my laptop computer for facts during this conference, I kept noticing out of the corner of my eye that this young lady was intensely staring at me, at my facial area, as I looked down at my laptop. She positively did not think I noticed her looking at me, as she would look away when I looked up from my screen.

The day in which these results were observed, I had only used the Scent of Eros attractant pheromone, and no other products. As I would soon learn these results would become quite standard, with certain pheromone products.

It is significant to mention that during my real life testing, I purposely attempted to remain neutral in my behavior, so as not to throw off balance the results. In short, if a person shows interest, I would show none in return, I would be mister all business. This method allowed me to determine that it was in fact the purchasing manager’s behavior that changed, and not my own, with the only wild card factor being that of The Scent of Eros in this particular sample.

In closing, while conducting my various human pheromone summaries, I really don’t know how these products do the voodoo they do, but I do recognize what I am able to observe and write down.

Kyle MacRannell is a die hard product review fanatic, currently researching Pheromones, and their influence upon human behavior. Please visit us to for additional information on the Scent of Eros pheromone cologne!

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