What to Do for A Better Financial Future
Your IQ is probably what got you into an excellent university, and receive good education. Developing your EQ is equally important in shaping your personality to help you deal with your relationship with others. IQ and EQ are something that important in our daily life, and everyone wants improve them in their daily life. But FQ, which stand for financial quotient, is what will shape your financial future.
In fact, some of the most important and least understood tools of life and business are financial, and your financial knowledge will show how well you handle credit, determine the quality of your savings and investments, or how well you plan for retirement.
Think of it. Do you own a credit card? Do you finish your college education on your own expenses, on scholarship, or by the educational loans? What’s your spending habit, cash, or credit cards that allow some debts? Have you got an investment plan that you can get incomes besides wages? How do you know about your taxes payments? Do you have any retirement plan?
By answering the questions above may help you in determine how well you did in your financial life. To have a financial future of financial independence, you have to be smart about your money, such as your savings, investments, and spending. Here we have some tips that may help you.
1.Use cash. Charging things to credit cards can be convenient, but it will make you unaware of how much money you have spent. But spending cash makes the spending more real, and when you are out of cash, you won’t spend too much, more than you can afford.
2.Saving regularly. You must have a plan of saving each month, or like one of my friend who plan to deduct some money a week and put it into the saving account. Her suggestion is that you can decide a small amount of money without which you won’t feel uncomfortable, but you can save a lot when it comes to a year long.
3.Keep a 30 days list about what you needs and wants.
If you are a person who wants to buy something a week even though you don’t absolutely need, you’d better put it on a list without buying it-until the 30 day’s up. The most interesting thing is that no matter how badly you wanted them, after 30 days, the strong urge to buy them will be gone. Then you can evaluate it more calmly.
4.Cook at home instead of dinning outside. It is of some troubles, but more healthy. Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies. Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice. And they are cheaper.
5.Have your own financial plans. You can make it by your own or ask some help from your financial adviser.
6.Teach your children about money. This will save you a lot of money in the long run, and can improve your children’s financial quotient at the same time. For example, when they know about saving and earning money, they will respect the money that you earn, and they are more intended to save. Teach them about spending and investing can expand their vision and know how to use money wisely.
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