Article Marketing Key To Successful Internet Marketing
Article Writing can be the one key you need to finally become successful in Internet Marketing. On the other hand, thousands upon thousands of other hungry people like you and I have heard the same thing. Consequently you and I are going to have to master the art of article writing to beat out our competition. Some of the key points in this article may well be the key you need to kick start your article marketing.
Let me tell a quick story about how I started using articles to break into the Internet Marketing business. As I was getting ready to retire, I knew there was no way my family would have any kind of financial security with only the income of social security and a small pension from the federal government. So like so many others it was an easy decision for me to try my hand at Internet Marketing.
And like so many others I failed countless times. Then one day a good friend of mine, kicked my butt and told me to concentrate on what my strengths are. Strangely enough as the two of us put together my unknown strengths and known strengths, we kept coming back to the art of writing. To make a long story short it turned out I was pretty darn good about turning out short articles.
Now what you may not realize is I just revealed one of the keys to successful article marketing. Have you figured it out yet? Sure you have! I told you a true short story.
Your readers and customers love stories, especially when they are true. You are going to have to trust me on this; most folks know when you are stretching the truth. If you are writing an article on a particular product, make sure your story is believable.
If you do not, get ready to not make any sales or very few sales. In addition chances are when the customers you made a few sales to, find out the product does not do what you said it would, they are going to ask for a refund. However, the real damage caused by this is your loss of credibility. Essentially these people will never buy from you again.
Now let us look at another truth about article marketing successfully on the Internet.
One of the most successful article directories on the internet today is EzineArticles. Christopher Knight, the owner and prolific article writer of EzineArticles, advocates that when you write articles you should keep the articles short and to the point. His suggestion is to keep your articles between a minimum of 250 words to a maximum of 1000 words. Mr. Knights reasoning behind this is todays readers want their information as fast and quick as they can get it. Honestly, he is absolutely correct.
The two keys discussed are just a couple of the keys you need to do article marketing on the Internet. You should take your time and seek other tips and suggestions about Internet marketing using articles.
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