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159.To save on intra-office call costs, the Company network has implemented VOIP at all their
locations. Which statement is true about IP telephony calls?
A. The voice carrier stream uses H.323 to set up, maintain, and tear down call endpoints.
B. A Voice over IP (VoIP) packet consists of the voice payload, IP header, TCP header, RTP
header, and Layer 2 link header.
C. Call control signaling uses Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets that contain actual
voice samples.
D. The sum of bandwidth necessary for each major application, including voice, video, and data,
should not exceed 75 percent of the total available bandwidth for each link.
E. None of the other alternatives apply
Answer: D
160.You need to troubleshoot some problems in the Company VOIP network associated with jitter.
What is the cause of jitter?
A. Packet drops
B. Transmitting too many small packets
C. Variable queue delays
D. Compression
E. None of the other alternatives apply
Answer: C

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