Document Management System with Autonomy iManage

With rapidly changing technology and an increasing emphasis on managing information properly, people inside and outside an organization are looking for simple technology solutions to help them address critical business issues pertaining to document and records management and compliance. Many businesses have unique needs that are not often met by basic products like MS-Windows and Office; for example, the search and retrieval functions are common user needs that are not met efficiently from the speed, simplicity and security perspectives. And while you may know that there is a need of improving processes, you may not know where to begin in figuring out how to help your organization improve efficiency, profitability or productivity.

You need not change the way you work to improve your efficiency. With the help of an effective Document Management System, you can work the way you always have, without creating documentation clutter and duplication which becomes unmanageable. Statistically speaking, after the implementation of Document Management solutions, an organization can reduce overall document – related costs by 40 or greater.

iManage Document Management Systems are a technological solution to manage Documents and Email, especially in Law firms, Accounting firms and other professional service firms where documents and email are the foundation of their daily business. Without a technical solution to manage documents and email, the documents which contain vital business information become vulnerable to the following:

  • Loss of productivity
  • Data loss
  • Data theft
  • Inappropriate Access

Apart from the above, there are numerous reasons which warrant attention pertaining to the management of documents.

Streamlining business processes by automation of documents in an organization and increasing efficiency are fundamental aims of Smart Solutions. In today’s increasingly regulatory driven environment, satisfying compliance issues in managing documents along with a simple user friendly interface is a major challenge.

Autonomy iManage and pdfDocs are products brought to you by Smart Solutions which are trusted by most leading law and accounting firms to manage their documents and email and provide simple collaboration between professionals.

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2 Responses to “Document Management System with Autonomy iManage”

  1. Scott Mann says:

    Hey! 1995 called…it’s wants its servers back.

  2. Janice Taylor says:

    Great article highlighting the need for everyone to have a much higher computer/data security awareness. Most orgs enjoy “security” as a matter of luck. Check some reinforcing content at the blog, “The Business-Technology Weave” (can Google to it) – it reflects what this article is saying, and that author has an integral understanding of Content Management. The majority of breaches are due to human error, therefore awareness and common sense are key, in supporting all necessary best practices. The blog author also has a book we use at work, “I.T. WARS” (you can Google that too). It has a great Security chapter, and others that treat security. Highly recommended. Great stuff.

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