Pherazone: The Abominable Truth About the Pherazone Pheromone Cologne

If you actually deduced that the days of people piddling snake oil over the information superhighway were over, then you have not encountered Pherazone! I recently had the “pleasure” of field testing the Pherazone Pheromone Cologne. Yes, I was being salty when I used the word “pleasure.”

Pherazone is unmistakably a very aggressively marketed “new” pheromone cologne, claiming to boast “the most pheromones per bottle” of anything else out on the market.I’ve said it before, I will say it again, new company’s that brag about their product solely containing the uttermost “pheromones” per bottle are making an argumentation that more often than not falls upon my deaf ears!

Why? For the reason that it is not the pheromone content that counts, but how well blended those pheromone compounds are put together, that determines a quality pheromone cologne, in simplistic terms of course. So when I go over Pherazone’s claims that;

“Reported to be the most powerful concentration of pheromones on marketplace today with a staggering 36 mg of pheromones per ounce”

I smile and ask, how about that? aha, reported by whom? And 36 mgs of what exact pheromone compounds, and what distribution of each? Hello!…Echo!!!

First of all, let me say this, Pherazone is most likely one of the more uneconomical pheromone colognes on the market, with a single bottle going for $98.95, which is in itself enough to make me a little wary. Even well proven pheromone colognes that have confirmed their worth over “time” do not sell for $98.95, more often than not not even close! So when a new, little heard from company pops up out of no where trying to push their new wonder product for nearly $100 bucks, I’m immediately a little cagey right off the bat!

Luckly, I’m tickled pink to say that my instincts are still well honed, as I noticed out quite briskly after ordering this stuff and giving it a number of tests in the real world, 14 field tests to be exact! I started out with one spray of this stuff to settle if, like Pherazone charged, one single spray would;

“Just one spray of Pherazone drives women crazy!”

Needless to say, just one single spray got me something like no results whatsoever! So I quickly went up to two, and then three, and at long last maxed myself out at five sprays over the course of a couple of weeks. The stuff does not smell gross or anything, it actually smells moderately pleasant, but that’s not what I paid nearly $100 bucks for!

Most often when I get forceful responses do to a pheromone cologne, there is NO mistaking the fact that the ‘target’ is clearly ‘reacting’ to the pheromone cologne in question, with Pherazone, I had to wonder? Not really the sign of a good, quality pheromone product, but then again what did I expect from a little known new comer to the world of pheromone colognes trying to aggressively hawk a new concoction for nearly $100 bucks per flask?

Sounds like these folks are using an old dirty approach, peddle as much as you can, as hurriedly as you can, because once a consumer uses the spinoff he probably will NEVER become a repeat customer!

As surely, I will not be either!

Kyle MacRannell is a die hard product review fanatic, currently researching Pherazone! Please visit us for additional information, or to read our full Pherazone Review!

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