A Basic Guide to Getting Rid of Fat Quickly

Most of us would readily admit that if we have put on a lot of weight, it’s our own fault. We accumulated our excess weight through lack of physical activity and eating the wrong kinds of food and too much of it. We do know that losing weight and keeping it off will require a change in our lifestyle. Once we accept this, we will be more careful to eat the right foods and to keep physically active.
It’s unfortunate that many people, especially kids and teenagers, consume plenty of junk snacks and fried, greasy foods every day. Junk foods contain plenty of calories but are devoid of nutritive value. They are loaded with fat and either too much salt or sugar, which will not only make you fat but have cumulative ill effects on your body. In addition, these foods contain large amounts of chemical preservatives and flavor-enhancing ingredients that are harmful to your health.
Change your diet to include plenty of foods with high fiber content. Fiber helps you lose weight by raising your metabolic rate and making you feel full sooner. Fiber cannot be digested but your body will try to digest it anyway, thereby burning calories in the process. The best sources of fiber are whole grains (bran has the highest fiber content), whole grains in the form of breads, pastas, or cereals, brown rice, legumes (e.g. beans, dried peas), fruits and vegetables.
Drink as much water as you can. Grab a glass of water instead of a can of soda whenever you feel thirsty. Did you know that a 12-oz. can of soda contains about 8 teaspoons of sugar which will turn into fat if not burned up by the body? Replacing high-calorie beverages with plain water will significantly cut down your caloric intake. Water is vital for a variety of bodily functions and processes including removal of waste products, carrying nutrients, and regulating body temperature.
And whether you like it or not, you need to add exercise to your weight loss program. You will optimize its benefits if you combine a healthy diet with 30 to 45 minutes of exercise three to four days a week. Getting started may be tough, but after the first few weeks, you will have gotten into the habit of exercise and it will be easier from then on.
It’s important to get a lot of physical activity into your daily routine, apart from your regular exercise. If you need to do an errand just a few blocks away, don’t take your car but walk or ride your bicycle. Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Even some household chores can be a fat burning activity, like washing your windows, mowing your lawn, etc. Above all, stay focused and remember that all your efforts will not only make you slimmer but also healthier.

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