Ear Acupuncture Is Known To Provide Numerous Benefits
The medical name for ear acupuncture happens to be auricular therapy and in case you hear this term being mentioned you should sit up and take notice of it. It is a treatment method that is based on the traditional Chinese medicine that in fact will provide users with numerous benefits. Besides treating the ear auricular therapy can also help person overcome addiction problems and it helps to control mood changes and it is even effective in curing obesity. The essence of ear acupuncture is that it is a holistic treatment method that aims to treat the entire being rather than be limited to treating specific symptoms.
Regulate Your Internal Organs
It is in fact well known that the ears contain certain acupuncture related points that regulate the body and its internal organs; its structures and even many important functions. The history of ear acupuncture goes back a very long time and to its original birthplace in China and it is so ancient a treatment option that it was even mentioned in the very ancient medical books from China of which The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine is the best example.
Today, ear acupuncture is now being widely used because it ensures the stimulation of endorphins release and it is the endorphins that as you may or may not know are the chemicals released by the body that make a person feel good. Ear acupuncture is usually also a part of normal acupuncture treatments because the points within the ear are known to help control various organs in the body and so are widely used in all forms of acupuncture.
To ensure that ear acupuncture stimulates the body for longer periods of time it is necessary to use ear tacks or ear seeds that are tiny sized seeds that are derived from the well known Vaccaria plant. To use these seeds require that they be held in place by use of adhesive tape and once these seeds are left within the ear for a couple of days or even for a fortnight they will do their work effortlessly.
Today ear acupuncture has become so popular that people that were using crystal hearing have given that up and have switched over to this form of treatment. Famous celebrities are also helping to popularize ear acupuncture and from Kate Moss to Cherie Brown to billionaire English football team owner Roman Abramovich everyone seems to be sporting the telltale ear pins to show that they are using ear acupuncture to achieve among other things weight loss.
With more than two hundred different acupuncture points on just the outer ear you can be sure that when you use ear acupuncture you will get many benefits such as improving the working of the mouth, heart and live and a whole lot more.
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