It Is Easy To Understand How Does Acupuncture Work

The alternative medical practice of acupuncture is thousands of years old. How does acupuncture work? It is the method by which your own body is encouraged to heal itself naturally and to recover its ability to function as it should. To explain how acupuncture does work is to tell you to look at your body and see rivers of energy flow through the body.

The channels through which the energy flow is called the meridians. The energy flows along these meridians to nourish your body and to irrigate each part of you. The energy flows to feed the tissues, the nerves and the blood and through this it brings nourishment to all the organs and structures within your body. Now think what happens when there is an obstruction in any river; the flow starts to dam up, it overflows into certain areas while other areas become starved at it no longer receives this flow of energy.

Now these blockages eventually cause such a deficiency of properly irrigated blood and energy that the body starts to falter and this means the body then become diseased. The question now is how does acupuncture work to relieve these restrictions to restore order to the body?

Slender Needles Bring Gentle Stimulation

By inserting extremely slender needles at exactly the points that are important in the meridians, it will encourage and influence the removal of these obstructions. Once these obstructions are removed, the normal flow of energy through the meridians will be restored. So to answer how does acupuncture work; by removing the obstructions that are making certain part of your body starved of energy. This means your internal organs will start to correct the imbalances that had developed due to the obstructions. Your digestion will start to function normally again, your body will absorb the needed nutrients at a normal level again; blood circulation improves to carry oxygenated blood to all the organs again.

There are external factors that can cause the body to become imbalanced. This can be physical, mechanical, biological and chemical. There are also internal factors that can contribute to the forming of imbalances within the body. These can be any one or a combination of constitutional, mental and hereditary factors. How does acupuncture work to change this; it forces the bio-electrons to get rid of the obstructions and to restart their regular functions and to rebalance the body until it functions optimally once again.

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