An Acupuncture Chart Is A Visual Tool To Aid The Practitioner
We still have well preserved examples of acupuncture charts that have been preserved for many centuries. These historical charts show us that throughout the centuries nothing has changed much in the ancient healing of acupuncture. As time changed and ways of thinking changed, there were often more information shown on these acupuncture charts, but the fundamentals of acupuncture has not changed.
So what exactly is an acupuncture chart, what is it for and what does it show or tell us? Normally you will find many different acupuncture charts in the Chinese medical manuals. They are a visual tool for the practitioner so that he will always remember exactly where each of the acu-points is.
These charts are also learning tools for a medical student. An acupuncture chart is not only created to be used by an acupuncturist, these charts are used in all general Chinese medicine.
Various Charts As Visual Tools For Diagnosis And Treatment
It must be understood that there are numerous acupuncture charts, although an acupuncturist may have a generalized chart on display as a visual tool and also to be used to answer and explain questions that a patient may have. The various charts are used for acupuncture, reflexology moxibution as well as massage. As a rule an acupuncture chart is not a colorful picture that explains where the needles must be placed during an acupuncture session. In reality these charts are diagrams of the various body parts and show the path of the meridians or channels as well as the acu-points.
The charts show the flow of energy along the meridians of each of the specific parts of the body. They also show the acu-points for treatment and the exact points of placement for the needles to promote the release of the obstructions that are causing the body to be in a state of imbalance. The reason why there is not only one standardized acupuncture chart is because of the vastness of the meridians that cover the entire body. Thus each chart is only able to display a section of body in detail.
An acupuncture chart is never intended to be an image to be used alone; rather it is a visual aid that complements the text in the Chinese medical books. There are charts that display the energy meridians of specific body parts and also charts that show the treatments for specific ailments as well as very acupuncture charts of a body part depicting the influences of many factors on the flow of energy. The acupuncture chart is therefore a visual aid for all the difference disciplines in Chinese medicine.
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