How an Acupuncturist Uses an Acupuncture Meridians Chart

If you have ever looked into the ancient Chinese treatment of acupuncture, you may have seen an acupuncture meridians chart. The many lines and dots surrounding the human body are quite complex, but there is a method to the madness. By understanding what these meridians signify, you can get a better understanding of the theories behind acupuncture treatments. This article will give you the basics about the acupuncture meridians chart so you can understand what it shows and how it is used in acupuncture treatments.

The meridians that are carefully accounted for in an acupuncture meridians chart indicate the imaginary channels within the body that carry energy, or qi, throughout the body. When these meridians are blocked, the chi cannot flow through the body as it should. The result of blocked meridians is disease, illness or uncomfortable symptoms. To treat these health issues, the meridians must be reopened, which is where acupuncture comes into play. An acupuncturist can use and acupuncture meridians chart to locate the areas of blocked qi and reopen them to bring the body back to a state of wellness.

Body Points
That explains all of the lines on an acupuncture meridians chart, but what about the many dots along those lines? According to traditional Chinese medicine, there are points on the meridians where the qi rises closer to the body’s surface. These locations are known as body points, and this is generally where acupuncture treatments are focused. An acupuncture meridians chart usually shows 12 main meridians, of which six are yin and six are yang, and many more minor ones. All of the meridians have body points where acupuncture treatments can be done.

When qi is blocked in one of the lines on an acupuncture meridians chart, the result is a body that is out of balance. This blockage can occur from emotional responses, such as anger, over-excitement or fear. It can also be caused by environmental factors like humidity, extreme temperatures and dryness. When the body is out of balance, it can experience a host of physical symptoms like headaches, insomnia and intestinal problems. Treatment involves studying the acupuncture meridians chart to find out where the imbalance is located and treating the appropriate body points.

An experienced acupuncturist knows the acupuncture meridians chart well, and will be able to treat you accordingly. However, he may show you the chart so you can see where your imbalance originates and understand the treatment being prescribed. That is why it is important to be familiar with the acupuncture meridians chart so you will understand the acupuncture treatment you are receiving.

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