An Increase in Alternative Energy Technology

There has been an increase in alternative energy technology in recent years as fossil fuels are decreasing and getting more expensive to use, as well as being harmful to the environment. The alternative energy technology is not only serving to find more sources of energy, but is also improving the effectiveness of the currently known sources so that they create more energy using smaller devices. Even with these advances in alternative energy technologies, there are still down sides to their uses, including high costs and large devices which do not always produce a consistent amount of electricity each day.

Types of Energy

The most common forms of alternative energy technology are still in the wind, water and solar fields, although other sources are also becoming more and more popular. The problem in all of these fields is that the alternative energy technology is so huge to make these sources ready for commercial use. Wind power requires the use of huge turbines that are usually placed in a turbine farm where there are hundreds of them in use at the same time. This takes an incredible amount of space which is an eyesore and is not feasible in many areas. Solar panels are also huge in order to use them commercially and take a lot of space. With both of these technologies for alternative energy, the sources are not consistent from day to day, so the power produced cannot be relied upon as the sole source of energy at this time. Hydroelectric power also requires a huge dam in order to produce the electricity, but with a dam, the water can be stored up so that there is a consistent amount of energy being produced every day.

Biofuels are also being used today more effectively. These make use of alternative energy technology that allows animal or plant products to fuel different devices. Methane from animal waste, wood waste and more can be used to fuel cars and other machines. Unfortunately, this technology is much more expensive to use than regular gasoline and is not efficient yet. First, the production of the products to make the biofuel often take fossil fuels to make them, such as corn production. In addition, it takes money to convert the machines to be able to use the biofuels rather than using the gasoline. In addition, the alternative energy technology takes time for users to accept and be willing to buy mechanisms that use these fuels.

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